But on the other hand it's a Fanatec who are deliberately lying to the customers.
Imagine another brand selling controllers with some ineffective buttons. Only saying "Yes it's Microsoft fault, ask to them, maybe an update will come".
We all have a defective products and it's still not announced on the product page. On the contrary they are advertising the "Xbox compatibility wheel" for now one or 2 years.
They just don't care. If a solution was on the way they would be clear and know everything will be fine shortly.
They are lying because they have defective products to sell.
Oh man I clearly should have read these forums prior to purchasing, but I got excited and went for it. I assume I'll be in here as well (once my gear arrives) as a future Formula 2.5 X user on Xbox.
Sounds like I have a roadmap forward though. If Microsoft/Fanatec haven't figured this out by the time F1 2024 is released, I'll switch to PS or PC.
From what I read... Any official announcement about any game update to make it worked soon.
An SDK is finally released. Something like 2 years later. And now games producer are supposed to make an update... I'm quite sure most don't give a fuck. Shame on Fanatec
Microsoft limited the functionality on their platform so only control buttons etc could be used.
Fanatec have implemented their wheelbases as best they could - as have all manufacturers so not just fanatec.
Microsoft have finally released a method for expanded use (the SDK), which fanatec have incorporated into their firmware - and now need to wait for GAMES producers to update THEIR software to make use of this.
How is that fanatecs fault exactly?
What do you want Fanatec to do? Go shout at the games makers to rewrite all their old games to get some LEDS workings? or allow extra buttons?
Or will the game makers incorporate the new functionality into new games, as they currently have the resources working on them...
So, again.. please tell me how its Fanatecs fault?
Maybe first they should communicate about the lack of those functionalities on the product page. Would be a good start.
Then they could communicate clearly about the reason why the product is not working as we could expected. I don't care on which side the fault is, game developer, Microsoft,... Who cares ? We are still not totally sure about it 2 years after the release of the product !
As you said we are just talking about some buttons and a tiny screen... But this is why we paid hundreds euros... Some plastic, some buttons and a tiny screen. How can you think that it's "more or less ok they did all they can".
Product is not working as advertised, not resolved after 2 years, and communication is trash.
I also had to wait a month more to get my delivery (people say that I'm lucky), had to repair myself the base once received (changed the fixation ring because it was shitty and lead to disconnect the wheel). But hey that's another story. Fanatec did his best for this part too I guess...
In the instruction manual for the rally button module, the complete button mapping appears for the first time. The rotaries and extra buttons appear as GSB (game specific button) when they previously appeared empty or as repeated buttons. Maybe the SDK is coming?
I think updating the product page would be a sign of good faith. I had no idea when purchasing a 2.5X that the LED's and other switches wouldn't function. That shouldn't happen these days.
Whether Maurice was speaking in his "official" capacity as a Fanatec employee or was merely expressing his personal opinion is, as is often the case, unclear.
"Next year" is a pretty broad window. Given the lack of urgency and transparency we've seen with this so far, and considering the delays we've seen with the development of things like the QR2, the Rally Button Module, and the (apparently still ghostware) Bentley wheel, I'd guess we'll be lucky if we see anything by the end of 2024, more likely 2025 or beyond. I'd love to be proven wrong.
Dude...I seriously question where his information comes from most times. Regardless, it doesn't mean anything unless there's a link to an official post, a cited source, or the person posting has The "Administrator" Tag.
Maurice has stated recently that he is, in fact, a Fanatec employee. He does seem to have insider knowledge regarding things such as driver development release schedules, and does seem to have a direct line of communication with members of the dev team. So his words tend to carry more weight than the average forum member. However...none of this is clear to anyone who hasn't been on these forums for a while and has followed his day-to-day postings. The fact that his profile title merely states "Member" makes it seem that he is merely just that: another member, just like all the rest of us.
The idea has been put forth that it would be wise for him to have two separate accounts here: an "official" one where he posts as a representative of Fanatec, and his "member" account where he posts his personal thoughts and opinions in a non-official capacity. That idea doesn't seem to have gained any traction, and it is doubtful that it will ever happen.
" Steering wheel displays and LEDs are also not currently supported by the Xbox OS (the display is still accessible to adjust Tuning Menu settings). Microsoft is in the process of opening up the Xbox OS to support more features of third-party input devices in the near future."
You can make the Shift/Rev and Km/h or Mph light/led work on a Fanatec wheel in Forza Motorsport i saw. In the menu of the game is a UDP Racetelemetrie option, if you turn Data on and enter the IP and Port of a remote device there you can make the leds work. I tried with my IP but it did not work because you have to have a device on distance with it's own IP that can send telemetrydata and a wheel can not do this. maybe in the future a wheelbase with it's own Build in IP adres can make it work and send telemetry data, who knows.. or maybe they mean in this option that you put in your xbox ip adres and the port it's in and then the leds will work in the game.
100% agree he is no average member. He's has provided great works and help the sim (Fanatec) community including myself regardless of "member" status. Maurice if you're reading, Sorry if it sounded like I was doubting your knowledge base. Was not my intentions. That was just my short handed way of saying I wish he had a little more support in these forums and how information/updates would be preferred in this thread.
I just wanted to add a comment showing support for getting more clarity on this. I am not going to buy anymore Fanatec products honestly until Xbox compatibility is resolved.
Thank you! No need to boycott Fanatec, the other wheel brands are also in the same boat. I'm pretty optimistic we will have something in the near future(3-6 months).
Something that may have to do with nothing: ACC just became cross console compatible, so I'm taking that as a sign that developers, Fanatec, & other brands are about to release THE updates. My guess is that it is all in the Alpha/Beta/Pre-build testing phase. If i'm wrong, you all have my permission to roast me! lol
Yeah I want to believe you and raise my hopes but it would be nice to see some official messaging from Fanatec saying that they are working closely with MS. Right now, all they have is a notice pointing fingers at MS in their "XBOX-compatible" wheels.
I have to admit that I am a bit less confident after the start of the new year that full support for Fanatec peripherals would happen amongst all the chaos from shipping delays and the new ClubSport DD+ delays involving Sony licensing. It just seems like Fanatec have got their plate overflowing with things right now and possibly for the majority of this year. Curious what others think?
The feeling is mutual! Along with everything you mentioned, The issues with Driver 456 has me speculating that we will continue to wait much longer than anticipated. What's the good in a Developer(s) adding the missing wheel functions to their game(s) if a wheel's software is crapping the bed?
Ahhh I found the thread I wanted to start. Good to see that I am not alone on this subject. It is so frustrating to see a Fanatec steering wheel being reviewed and one thinking; "hmm I like to buy it" not knowing that the review is being done on a PC, after buying the steering wheels you find out that the functionality is not the same on the Xbox. This is my case, I play on the series X not on a PC.
On Xbox
Fanalab NOT of added value
Functionalities (input and output) very limited
I read that the experience of the DD is different on a PC than on Xbox
Are we being tricked or is it more like; take it or leave it?
Fanatec is in deep waters right now, but it is still a company with several departments. Meaning they all still have a job to do, and not all of them are dealing with Fanatec's current situation. I read this thread and apparently it comes down to a collaboration and communication between xbox and fanatac developers to broaden the compatibility and enhance the experience of SIM Racing on Xbox. Let's Go Fanatec and Xbox, solve this issue.
we are not necessarily tricked but we are definitely not told the entire truth. All the reviewers mention the "XBOX compatible" part but no one mentions that it is an extremely limited compatibility... I'm using the csl WRC steering wheel and I don't intend to buy any other wheel since on XBOX you can't benefit from all the buttons... I never thought a big company like Fanatec could neglect its customers for so long. Maybe its not only the CEO that should have been dismissed
I’ve put off buying a Fanatec bundle because I found out about this. Is there any updates or at least clarity on the matter? I want to get into sim racing but I don’t want to spend money on the gt3 bundle just for the buttons you buy it for to not work . It’s especially annoying when platforms like PlayStation use all the buttons on a wheel that is Xbox licensed when Xbox can’t.
Negative. Still waiting and listening to crickets.
Maybe it's an Xbox/Microsoft issue...
But on the other hand it's a Fanatec who are deliberately lying to the customers.
Imagine another brand selling controllers with some ineffective buttons. Only saying "Yes it's Microsoft fault, ask to them, maybe an update will come".
We all have a defective products and it's still not announced on the product page. On the contrary they are advertising the "Xbox compatibility wheel" for now one or 2 years.
They just don't care. If a solution was on the way they would be clear and know everything will be fine shortly.
They are lying because they have defective products to sell.
Oh man I clearly should have read these forums prior to purchasing, but I got excited and went for it. I assume I'll be in here as well (once my gear arrives) as a future Formula 2.5 X user on Xbox.
Sounds like I have a roadmap forward though. If Microsoft/Fanatec haven't figured this out by the time F1 2024 is released, I'll switch to PS or PC.
Its been said many times... The SDK has been released on Microsofts side. It now needs the game producers to integrate it into the games....
From what I read... Any official announcement about any game update to make it worked soon.
An SDK is finally released. Something like 2 years later. And now games producer are supposed to make an update... I'm quite sure most don't give a fuck. Shame on Fanatec
Microsoft limited the functionality on their platform so only control buttons etc could be used.
Fanatec have implemented their wheelbases as best they could - as have all manufacturers so not just fanatec.
Microsoft have finally released a method for expanded use (the SDK), which fanatec have incorporated into their firmware - and now need to wait for GAMES producers to update THEIR software to make use of this.
How is that fanatecs fault exactly?
What do you want Fanatec to do? Go shout at the games makers to rewrite all their old games to get some LEDS workings? or allow extra buttons?
Or will the game makers incorporate the new functionality into new games, as they currently have the resources working on them...
So, again.. please tell me how its Fanatecs fault?
"which fanatec have incorporated into their firmware"
Have they? Are you sure? Or are they still working on a GDK which will then be released to game developers upon completion?
ok, there is that possibility. I still dont think its a quick fix, and only for games going forward
I'm sorry but you're a very easy customer.
"How is it Fanatec fault. Please tell me?"
Maybe first they should communicate about the lack of those functionalities on the product page. Would be a good start.
Then they could communicate clearly about the reason why the product is not working as we could expected. I don't care on which side the fault is, game developer, Microsoft,... Who cares ? We are still not totally sure about it 2 years after the release of the product !
As you said we are just talking about some buttons and a tiny screen... But this is why we paid hundreds euros... Some plastic, some buttons and a tiny screen. How can you think that it's "more or less ok they did all they can".
Product is not working as advertised, not resolved after 2 years, and communication is trash.
I also had to wait a month more to get my delivery (people say that I'm lucky), had to repair myself the base once received (changed the fixation ring because it was shitty and lead to disconnect the wheel). But hey that's another story. Fanatec did his best for this part too I guess...
Is it only me of this topic is not visible anymore ?
Can't see it on "News and announcement category" first page even after I just answered.
In the instruction manual for the rally button module, the complete button mapping appears for the first time. The rotaries and extra buttons appear as GSB (game specific button) when they previously appeared empty or as repeated buttons. Maybe the SDK is coming?
I think updating the product page would be a sign of good faith. I had no idea when purchasing a 2.5X that the LED's and other switches wouldn't function. That shouldn't happen these days.
To be fair, Fanatec have put the information out there, but they've seemingly done their best to keep it tucked away and out of sight of most viewers.
At the bottom of the page here:
Clicking on that FAQ link takes you to a page that states the following:
It seems that we now have a rough estimate of when we might see things start to happen:
(Taken from this thread)
Whether Maurice was speaking in his "official" capacity as a Fanatec employee or was merely expressing his personal opinion is, as is often the case, unclear.
"Next year" is a pretty broad window. Given the lack of urgency and transparency we've seen with this so far, and considering the delays we've seen with the development of things like the QR2, the Rally Button Module, and the (apparently still ghostware) Bentley wheel, I'd guess we'll be lucky if we see anything by the end of 2024, more likely 2025 or beyond. I'd love to be proven wrong.
Dude...I seriously question where his information comes from most times. Regardless, it doesn't mean anything unless there's a link to an official post, a cited source, or the person posting has The "Administrator" Tag.
Maurice has stated recently that he is, in fact, a Fanatec employee. He does seem to have insider knowledge regarding things such as driver development release schedules, and does seem to have a direct line of communication with members of the dev team. So his words tend to carry more weight than the average forum member. However...none of this is clear to anyone who hasn't been on these forums for a while and has followed his day-to-day postings. The fact that his profile title merely states "Member" makes it seem that he is merely just that: another member, just like all the rest of us.
The idea has been put forth that it would be wise for him to have two separate accounts here: an "official" one where he posts as a representative of Fanatec, and his "member" account where he posts his personal thoughts and opinions in a non-official capacity. That idea doesn't seem to have gained any traction, and it is doubtful that it will ever happen.
"Communicate clearly about the reason the product is not working".
Like this...
" Steering wheel displays and LEDs are also not currently supported by the Xbox OS (the display is still accessible to adjust Tuning Menu settings). Microsoft is in the process of opening up the Xbox OS to support more features of third-party input devices in the near future."
¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
You can make the Shift/Rev and Km/h or Mph light/led work on a Fanatec wheel in Forza Motorsport i saw. In the menu of the game is a UDP Racetelemetrie option, if you turn Data on and enter the IP and Port of a remote device there you can make the leds work. I tried with my IP but it did not work because you have to have a device on distance with it's own IP that can send telemetrydata and a wheel can not do this. maybe in the future a wheelbase with it's own Build in IP adres can make it work and send telemetry data, who knows.. or maybe they mean in this option that you put in your xbox ip adres and the port it's in and then the leds will work in the game.
100% agree he is no average member. He's has provided great works and help the sim (Fanatec) community including myself regardless of "member" status. Maurice if you're reading, Sorry if it sounded like I was doubting your knowledge base. Was not my intentions. That was just my short handed way of saying I wish he had a little more support in these forums and how information/updates would be preferred in this thread.
I just wanted to add a comment showing support for getting more clarity on this. I am not going to buy anymore Fanatec products honestly until Xbox compatibility is resolved.
Thank you! No need to boycott Fanatec, the other wheel brands are also in the same boat. I'm pretty optimistic we will have something in the near future(3-6 months).
Something that may have to do with nothing: ACC just became cross console compatible, so I'm taking that as a sign that developers, Fanatec, & other brands are about to release THE updates. My guess is that it is all in the Alpha/Beta/Pre-build testing phase. If i'm wrong, you all have my permission to roast me! lol
I refuse to get my hopes up, but that would be excellent.
Yeah I want to believe you and raise my hopes but it would be nice to see some official messaging from Fanatec saying that they are working closely with MS. Right now, all they have is a notice pointing fingers at MS in their "XBOX-compatible" wheels.
I have to admit that I am a bit less confident after the start of the new year that full support for Fanatec peripherals would happen amongst all the chaos from shipping delays and the new ClubSport DD+ delays involving Sony licensing. It just seems like Fanatec have got their plate overflowing with things right now and possibly for the majority of this year. Curious what others think?
The feeling is mutual! Along with everything you mentioned, The issues with Driver 456 has me speculating that we will continue to wait much longer than anticipated. What's the good in a Developer(s) adding the missing wheel functions to their game(s) if a wheel's software is crapping the bed?
well we’re already 3 months into 2024, and still no update.
Ahhh I found the thread I wanted to start. Good to see that I am not alone on this subject. It is so frustrating to see a Fanatec steering wheel being reviewed and one thinking; "hmm I like to buy it" not knowing that the review is being done on a PC, after buying the steering wheels you find out that the functionality is not the same on the Xbox. This is my case, I play on the series X not on a PC.
On Xbox
Are we being tricked or is it more like; take it or leave it?
Fanatec is in deep waters right now, but it is still a company with several departments. Meaning they all still have a job to do, and not all of them are dealing with Fanatec's current situation. I read this thread and apparently it comes down to a collaboration and communication between xbox and fanatac developers to broaden the compatibility and enhance the experience of SIM Racing on Xbox. Let's Go Fanatec and Xbox, solve this issue.
we are not necessarily tricked but we are definitely not told the entire truth. All the reviewers mention the "XBOX compatible" part but no one mentions that it is an extremely limited compatibility... I'm using the csl WRC steering wheel and I don't intend to buy any other wheel since on XBOX you can't benefit from all the buttons... I never thought a big company like Fanatec could neglect its customers for so long. Maybe its not only the CEO that should have been dismissed
I’ve put off buying a Fanatec bundle because I found out about this. Is there any updates or at least clarity on the matter? I want to get into sim racing but I don’t want to spend money on the gt3 bundle just for the buttons you buy it for to not work . It’s especially annoying when platforms like PlayStation use all the buttons on a wheel that is Xbox licensed when Xbox can’t.
the topic was continued here: https://forum.fanatec.com/discussion/32330/it-s-2025-fanatec-xbox-sdk-here-yet#latest