Order not sent

Fanatec is looking very poor when you read all the discussion of people not receiving there order and no sign of it ever being sent no communication from fanatec I tried calling them but they only answer between 2pm and 4pm what business can operate like that . I have tried and tried to contact them but all you ever get is automated replies !!!!! I am not a wealthy guy and saved up for my sim setup spent well over £1000 and no goods I could be old and gray or even dead and still not received any product.

come on fanatec either refund or supply the goods your poor service is in great danger of going viral on the internet then you might end up with no business!!


  • I suggest starting a new thread , where everyone would add when they ordered, what , what is the current status , or when they received , it will then be information for all interested in the situation

  • Order placed on September 12th, UK, no information🖕

  • James .James . Member, Administrator

    We appreciate your feedback regarding the communication concerning the recent moving to a different warehouse — resulting in the current shipping delays — and the lack of early communication in this matter. We want to apologize that you have already been waiting several weeks to get an update on your order. We expect to be back to our usual turnaround time in the next couple of weeks. Here you can find out more information on the subject that effects the European market: https://bit.ly/3PNYYak  We want to thank you for all your patience and sticking with us. Best, your Fanatec Team

  • edited September 2023

    Dear James, thank you for the information as you can see many of us are patiently waiting , not canceling orders or going to other suppliers but the information that it may take a few more weeks is very weak !!!

  • i just tried calling fanatec now they are not answering calls just an automated response we are busy answering your emails well that’s the biggest load of shit as I have been waiting days on a reply from them regarding my order I am really beginning to smell a rat I hope for all our sakes that they are not fobbing us of and we will all end getting F***k all it really is grim wish to f***k I had went somewhere else now I am out of pocket and can’t afford to go elsewhere sim rig sitting here be as well selling it for scrap . So so frustrating and this not being able to contact them is scary not even the decency to contact customers even if it was through the forum they can’t just keep saying it will be a few weeks I thought Germans we’re supposed to be an organised bunch it’s looking like this lot couldn’t organise a piss up in a brewery!!!!

  • I just hope that the company will be honest and correct the warranty period under such a long wait for delivery !!!

  • No, they would not. Got my pedals on 13th of september, sent on 11th of septeber warranty is from 6th of september when they changed the order status to completely shipped.

  • I had the same concern when I purchased my CSL DD two years ago. If you contact them and ask specifically about the warranty period, they will update it. I forget the story they gave me, that showing the warranty as starting on the shipping date instead of the day of receipt was some sort of system error or something.

    Now is probably not the best time to try and contact them about anything, as I'm sure you're well aware. But give them a few weeks for things to get back to "normal" then shoot them an email and they should take care of it.

  • Why would we not contact them I don’t care about there problems if they can’t fulfill orders they shouldn’t take them or be up front with problems not fuck people off with there crap attitude just wish I could get a refund

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