CSL DD base weird movement

Here is an video of my base and how the wheel mounting podium behaves. It goes round around, not just around. Check the video if you dont understand me, I cant explain that in english. The base is on my desk and the phone is on the base. Im not moveing it. Wheel base is brand new, this monday it came to me and yesterday Ive opened the box. I didnt hold it by that silver wheel handle. Ive made support ticket but looks like they ignore me.
Can someone tell me what to do? How long should I wait for no response?
It's a bad time for Fanatec Europe. They may get back to you in a week or more. If you can use your wheelbase as is, I would wait a while before requesting a repair, at least until that moment passes.
Then, the movement is very large, it could just be the USB hub that has been assembled incorrectly, you would try to reassemble it.
Okej. Wow, Alessandro. Thank you for answer. Ill try that. Man, if this is an issue with my base, this video and your name should be known all over the world.
EDIT: Okej, this is not the issue. That thing is attached perfectly in my case and the wobbling effect comes from the inside. You can clearly see on the photo, that whole shaft is moved to one side. When I turn the quick release, the gap is moveing too.
Looks like the issue is due to the shaft not being centred correctly during assembly. Mine was slightly out when I got it. It's an easy fix - just remove the wheel, loosen the clamp and recenter the shaft. Make sure you retighten the clamp to 15Nm.
No. Its not this. Ive edit my previous comment. Ive even took off that clamp and the shaft and by turning only that thing (like on the photo) I can clearly see the wobbling. Its really visible and, I didnt play yet, but unplayable for sure.
Should I open the base and fix it by myself? Support is quiet.
I don’t know what you’re gonna find in there but customer support has been quiet for me too. I’m trying to find out what replacements I’d need to buy but I’m nervous since support has been unimpressive
So Ive sent it back at warranty and it came almost not touched. The wobbling is still visible... Ill try and plug it in to see how bad the wobbling is in the game.
But now I have another issue, I hope someone will see this thread.
While attaching the pedals to the base, ive done it properly and everything worked. But I wanted to make an pedals update. So I unpluged from the base (I know it cannot be attached to the PC and the base at the same time), Ive made an update and then I wanted to replug 1 more time to that ethernet cable. But that was late hour and I accidentaly pluged the cable to the shifter space. And this cable doesnt work anymore. Could that burn the ethernet cable?