Clubsport Formula Funkyswitch multiple inputs

Hello there,
Tried to search the Forums but didn't find a solution to my problem therefore asking in a dedicated thread.
For quite some time now, the funkyswitch on my Clubsport Formula is registering multiple inputs ingame, namely iRacing, as this is the only game I'm using at the moment, but I could also replicate this in ACC. I have my Brake balance mapped to it, but instead of raising/decreasing it in single steps, it can take like 12 at once.
Is there a solution to this problem?
In the Fanatec Control Panel it appears to only register one, sometimes two inputs from the switch, but ingame it goes insane. In case there is a thread that I overlooked with a solution please post it here, thanks in advace!
Wheelbase (CSW 2.5) Firmware: 22
Wheel Base Firmware: 692
Driver Version: 451
Fanalab Version: 2.00.06
I have the same issue/problem but on my porsche rsr.
Same on iracing
Exactly the same.
Did you find any solution?
Maybe is the new drivers/firmware.?
But whit the formula fanatec wheel I have no problems.
Fanatec dd1 playstation