Wheel (CS 2.5) oscillating

I have a strange issue with my fanatec on xbox one. After downloading Forza Motorsport 2023 and deciding it wasn't great with a wheel, I went back to F1 2021 - now my wheel oscillates violently left to right even though I have the same settings on the wheel and the game. It has never done this before.

Stranger still is that it's oscillating violently in the menu/out of game, and even when I switch off force feedback. I've uninstalled FM2023, restarted everything (wheel, xbox) and it's still doing it.

I tried FH5 and the wheel is fine except I can feel the motors/slight grinding whereas it used to be smoother before.

I messed around with the settings on FM2023 a lot before giving up on it - surely this hasn't damaged my wheel?


  • to you SEN is low? because one issue is at there from firmware self when set SEN to low

  • Hi, SEN it set to 340 and always has been - I've had this setting for a long time, it's only now it's oscillating without me even moving at all e.g. lined up to start a race, and even when I'm out of game in the menus.

    I'm at a complete loss as to why the wheel would be oscillating when not moving or in a menu.

  • yes 340 sen can start oscillating, it's some-sort wrong calculation at fanatec firmware, smaller you make more it starts todo, but for some reason Auto mode may actually work correctly for some games if that is supported

  • But it has always been set at 340? And it is also happening when I'm not racing but in a menu. The wheel oscillates violently when game is paused - very strange. I've just updated firmware and will test it in a few minutes.

  • So I have updated the wheel and it's far worse - the oscillations are even more violent and it's happening on FH5 as well as F1 2021.

    Hoping support get in touch soon.

    This only starting happening after downloading FM2023 yesterday and playing with the settings in game - I didn't change any of the wheel settings.

    The update on my wheel has also resulted in me no longer having 3 settings for the wheel - I only have setting C (which i can edit) and setting A (which is locked). I don't really understand why this is so?

  • i do not know if fanatec old firmware does this or not but i know that 451 does,

    first time when i saw this was when i played American truck simulator, steering wheel go nut at point where car was just stopped

  • But it has never happened before I downloaded FM2023 yesterday.

    Now both F1 2021 and FH5 are completely unplayable. The oscillations are very violent/worse with the new firmware, including in the menus. I think the issue is the wheel, I can feel every gear!

    I worked out how to go in to advanced menu - but it can't be my settings as why would it oscillate rapidly while a game is paused etc.

    uThe issue is it never did this before FM2023. It's - both F1 2021 and FH5 are unplayable with the wheel. The oscillations are much worse/violent. I have a horrible feeling the wheel

  • well, it could be also that game damaged your steering wheel, like i tell in other post, FFB development is not for kids. guess you need wait what support tells you

  • I'm not a kid, but thanks anyway....

  • you say that you developed the Forza Motorsport 2023?

  • I changed settings to avoid clipping etc. yes - that should not break a wheel.

    Looking for alternative wheels as I'm pretty sure my wheel is toast. Oscillating in a menu while a game is paused can't be normal.

  • Anyone know how long support takes to get back to you? Their phone number doesn't work says they have closed them!

  • try change usb cable for you CS 2.5, there not relay others complain about that issue, it must be something with your base

  • Anyone know how long support takes to get back to you? 

  • The support is not brilliant. After discussing my issue for a week, ready to send for repair, it's being picked up by someone else and I'm back to square one about settings etc.

    Any alternatives to fanatec people are aware of? I was interested in the DD wheel bases but now I'm just not brave enough to throw money at something that will go wrong and have no/poor support. Wish I listened to the warnings!

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