How do I update the M4 GT3 wheel's firmware with QR2?
It's all in the title, will there be a new USB adapter or is it no longer necessary to use one with the QR2?
It's all in the title, will there be a new USB adapter or is it no longer necessary to use one with the QR2?
According to the webshop description you will get shipped a QR2 Update cable once it is available.
I've just seen this mention on the wheel page: "QR2 update cable (coming soon, sent separately)".
Thank you Maurice ;)
Should this cable be sent with the QR2 pro or separately later?
Good question, which I asked the webshop team 16 days ago but still did not got an answer.
So idk.
As long as there's no new driver requiring a firmware update, it's not a big deal for the time being.
I've already installed a QR2 pro on the wheel, and it feels so much better that I can't see myself fitting a QR1 just to update the firmware.
But well done Fanatec, the DD2 with a QR2 takes on a new dimension and has nothing to be ashamed of compared to the competition.
The next driver release actually includes a new Firmware for the BMW M4 wheel.
But that should be one of the last ones and it is not expected that another new Firmware will be released soon for the wheel as all features are included and working and most of the other things are handled by the Base FW.
Ah yes, the cable will be necessary then.
Will the new features include flashing buttons?
Flashing buttons would be a FanaLab feature, not a FW feature. So no.
Great, can't wait to try it out!
DD2 + your profile packs + QR2 really are a formidable combination for simracing.
Fanatec -> give Maurice an important job, a lot of users love their equipment thanks to him ;) (and to the development teams).
What exactly should the new firmware for the M4 wheel bring? Weren't the plans to allow updates without using the cable?
No, there were never any plans to allow updates without using the cable because its technically impossible to update the BMW M4 wheels (as well as the upcoming Bentley wheel) via the base. You will always need the update cable.
The new BMW Firmware will just fix an issue where the Thumb Encoders gave a short ghost input when you attach the wheel. So nothing dramatic.
OK, thanks.
Nothing to make the delivery of the new cable vital then. 😉
I've just received my QR2 wheel side for the BMW M4 GT3. The update cable was not part of this delivery. I hope the cable comes later then. There was no communication so far for the QR2 compatible cable delivery.
Also received my free QR2, no cable included in the package.
They must not have started production yet,
hi there recieved my bmw wheel today and it has no firmware in it and it wont allow me to update the firmware anyone else had this problem?? when i put the wheel into firmware update mode windows just says the device is unrecognized
Has someone an update on the QR2 update cable availability?
Sorry, but in my case the wheel was functioning properly out of the box. This is clearly a warranty case.
I asked them over 50 days ago and did not received any answer, no.
I've ordered a CS DD+ wheel base and would like to change my BMW wheel to QR2 when I receive the base. I assume I'd need the upcoming driver then to operate the base. But the driver will require the new BMW wheel FW then. Is this correct?
It does not require the new BMW FW, no.
Thank you for clearing it up! Means I'm not so dependent on the availability of the new update cable.
I have the same usb not recognised problem -- ie my BMW M4 GT3 will not update -->
Error: Connect device failed(Error: UsbHidPeripheral() cannot open USB HID device (vid=0x0eb7, pid=0xa700, sn=).).
.... maybe need to downgrade driver 454 to 452 ???
Wating for support to get back to me
I am having this same error, were you able to solve this problem with Fanatec?
I’m have the same error and no solutions from tech support. They’ll saying it is either my PC or a bad PCBA board in my now out of warranty wheel.
The only solutions I have seen online are people going back to the QR1 and then being able to update and then switching back to the QR2.