IS FANATEC EUROPE CLOSED ? No replies to requests and phone calls are not picked up


Here is our recent experience:

  • Sept 25th, we order a QR1.
  • Oct 2nd, a QR1-Lite is delivered.
  • Oct 2nd, we try to contact Fanatec/Endor via phone during their opening hours (2PM to 4PM!) and we have a voice message saying they don't take calls.
  • Oct 2nd, 1 claim on their website form, as of today , still no replies (We have received the confirmation email that they will come back in 2-3 days).
  • Oct 6th, Follow up requests via web form, still no replies except the email acknowledging our claim.
  • Oct 9th, we open a claim to return the wrong part delivered and get a refund, no replies
  • Several attempts to call the German number since Oct 2nd, always a voice message saying to call between 2PM and 4PM.....
  • Calling during this time frame always end with a voice message saying to send a mail.....but no replies to email.

Isn't it a form of robbery ?

Hope this will help you to think twice before ordering and not have the same issue....and look maybe for another make!


  • unfortunately there are hundreds of people that are waiting one month or more to get their goods shipped and Fanatec is just ignoring all of us.

  • There jyst choosing to ignore us instead of giving out any info. Don’t mind waiting if they kept me up to date but nope no info nothing then I find out it’s been sent back to them.

  • Helpful but should be on the FANATEC LANDING PAGE, not by someone that cannot speak for Fanatec.

    Still have not receive ANYTHING from what’s going on with my M4 back ordered QR2 Pro wheel side and don’t expect anything anymore. Bridge has burned, not a fan of all I’ve seen and read and “responses”

  • Someone should be on this site updating us everyday. 10 to 1 complaints almost…shameful

  • James .James . Member, Administrator

    Thank you for your feedback, Florian. We apologize that by mistake you were sent the wrong quick release, that you tried to reach out to us and we did not get back to you in time yet. We understand that this is not a good look for us and not how things should be. Due to a currently high number of requests for our Customer Care Team, the turnaround time for a response from them is just about close to two weeks (not speaking of our Tech Support Team). We apologize for that. However, we can assure you that you’ll get a reply from them as soon as possible. We once again want to apologize that you have to wait so long to receive your order and we thank you for sticking with us. The website with information to the current logistical delays concerning the European market gets updated every week. There you can find useful information to what the status of the backlog and the situation with our UK customers is. Your Fanatec Team

  • Hey James, what’s happen to mine? 3 packages same status

  • I've been waiting over 2 weeks for my BMW GT V2 with QR1... I think its the QR1 that is causing the problem but the fact that sales/support is just ignoring everyone is shameful and very poor business ethics....

    Fanatec, please reply to our emails, even if its "we're sorry for delays, we are having stock issues".... FFS

  • Stephen JayStephen Jay Member
    edited October 2023

    2 week response from customer care team??? Unacceptable, both of my packages to the UK have been delivered to Hamburg and no tracking update since yesterday morning...what next???

  • You need to pay the import duty etc - click on the link at the top of the tracking page - where it says 'Pay Now'.

  • You have had this explained to you more than once. You need to pay the vat bill before they will deliver. You literally have a pay now button on you're first screen shot. You got told this info on another post. What don't you understand ?

  • still no answers but here is a new YT video from the YT channel Random Callsign. Good on him for raising it.

  • GLE43GLE43 Member
    edited October 2023

    “ we try to solve it “ the question is how ?

    why you don’t hire more staff for support to answer the phone and emails ?

    Why you don’t provide any info about the situation with our orders ?

    Why you can’t give to us money back for who wants it. In my case the best is to take my money back and to buy moza which work like an adequate company.

    why you don’t stop sales and solve problems with other orders, a, fanatec ? You just want all the money

  • Pathetic responses. Took no personal responsibility, everything was something or someone else's fault. "Trust us, we're working on it" is simply not an adequate response when you've done nothing to establish that trust in the first place, especially with new customers. 

  • Hi James, Thank you for your reply and also glad to see that Fanatec is not closed. I got a reply from the support to my claim of Oct 2nd.

    Now let's see which QR1 will be delivered but more important is THE WHEN as the webshop is showing sold-Out for the QR1 whereas it was available at the time I have placed my order on Sept 25th!


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