Asking the bank to cancel and retrieve payment

Hi everyone!

I ordered a package about a month ago and for the past three weeks, the package has had the following information: Delay! We’re sorry for the inconvenience. If you are the sender, please check with the receiver to confirm delivery. Otherwise, you may start a claim to provide a resolution.

I contacted UPS and they were very concerned. They told me that they have never seen something like this before and urged me to contact customer service at Fanatec immediately. When I told them that I would be lucky to get an answer within three weeks, they told me that I should start a process with the bank to get my funds back. They are convinced that this is a scam. Basically, the label was created about a month ago, but Fanatec just hasn't gotten around to handing the package over to UPS for four whole weeks. They are literally taking payments, creating labels and then doing nothing. On top of that, they do not offer customer service. I will give them until the end of the week. I'm sure if more people go this route, it will completely destroy their reputation with VISA/Mastercard etc. and ultimately lead to them not working with the company.

This is absolutely insane. If you're having such a problem for so long you simply hire more people to your customer service team. Offering this kind of service is not an option.


  • acho que se esta a passar o mesmo comigo🙄🤨

  • Yeah, don't be tricked into thinking this is okay or normal. If one of the largest shipping companies in the world thinks the customer service resembles a scam, something is seriously wrong.

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