PayPal Payment Processed but No Fanatec Order

Last weekend I attempted to place an order on the Fanatec website for the following products: ClubSport DD (Order number CS_DD_EU) and QR2 Wheel-Side (Order number QR2_WS). I used PayPal for payment. During checkout, the site gave an error message and no order appeared in my account page. However, the payment of over €800 was processed from my bank account through PayPal.
I have tried contacting Fanatec customer support over the past days but have not gotten any response.
Is there a solution for this issue?
Hi Antonino,
Fanatec's (poor) customer support service responds in weeks. So the first thing to do is to contact Paypal directly and open a dispute.
Thank you! I just opened the dispute with PayPal
Right now Fanatec Europe, and it would appear Australia too, is in huge trouble, due to backlogs and questionable business practices. We've been talking about it for at least 2 months. Fanatec's CEO himself publicly admitted to a 2-week backlog in responses. If the CEO of a company publicly admits a problem, that problem exists.
Honestly, I'm starting to lose sympathy for customers who place new orders at this time. Making a purchase at this time almost certainly means starting a battle against Fanatec customer service. Battle you cannot win. In the end you will be very happy just to have gotten your money back.
Clubsport DD and QR2 are new products that will remain on the market for years, it's just a matter of waiting, just long enough for Fanatec to resolve this negative situation.
What sympathy to new clients you 🤡?
they don’t need to care about forums, they are seeing only the info which is on their site which is a lie and fanatec is responsible to stop sales not us.
So, if you’re going to spend “big money” as you have put it before, wouldn’t you do SOME research into what product you’re buying, or the company you’re purchasing from?