BMW GT2 v1 wheel and QR2

I've ordered the x3 QR2 wheel-side pack for my 3 wheels (should arrive next month), and I'm looking at the back of the BMW GT2 v1 with the quick release wondering if indeed the QR2 is compatible? It looks to be a slightly different design on first glance for mounting. I'll need to open it up to see fully. Can anyone from Fanatec confirm please?
I assume it's not as it's not listed on the QR2 wheels list, but the v2 is. This will be quite annoying if true.
As you can see on the QR2 webshop description in the compatibility part, the old BMW M2 GT2 V1 wheel is not listed as being compatible with the QR2 system as it does not have an exchangeable QR.
Hey thanks for the quick response.
That's unfortunate but not surprising. Looks like I'll need to sell the V1 and upgrade to the V2 at some point.
Found a much more cost effective solution from SRM in another posting on the forum - their QR2 adapter for older Fanatec wheels. I bought one and Simon at Sim Racing Machines shipped it out quickly. Installation was simple and I'm very pleased with the result. I've stuck a QR1 lite I had sitting around in the meantime while I, like many others, continue to wait and wait and wait for our CS DD and QR2's orders to get sent.
Anyhow, many thanks to Simon for the great solution for us using older wheels that aren't QR exchangeable!
Hi David!
Can you please share the link to this adapter with me, please? I also have the GT2 V1 wheel and would like to keep it and install the QR2 as well.
Thank you,
Sure Sergio. Here you go:
You want the 8 - pin version.