Update to Customer Care Situation & Challenges | Cases older than 14 Days



  • My order can now been seen using UPS reference lookup. Hasn't been handed to UPS yet, but this is certainly progress!

  • Glad it's progressing for you man hopefully this is signs of things slowly returning to normal and export documents being actually fixed (for my order at least)

  • All of my packages are now RTS marked ... Sad panda ...

  • Bestellnummer 1740307

    Artikel am 8 September bestellt ( laut Web Shop Ware auf Lager, und Versand innerhalb 5 Werktagen). Sollte ein Geschenk zum Geburtstag meines Sohnes werden, und 5 Wochen vor dem Geburtstag hatte ich die Artikel bestellt. Naja Pustekuchen!!!!

    Kontakt über Email Support des Web Shops wurden nach Wochen nicht beantwortet!

    Telefon Support nicht möglich, da vorübergehend eingestellt.

    Ware am 11. Oktober Storniert. Darauf wurde auch reagiert ( am 18. Oktober), das man sich drum kümmert.

    Heute haben wir den 6 November und es ist leider weiter nichts passiert.

    Ich bin immer noch ein großer Fanatec Fan,

    aber bin ich es leid nach dem Stand der Dinge zu fragen.

    Ich hatte Verständnis das es zu Verzögerungen durch Räumliche und Arbeitstechnische Umstellungen gekommen ist.

    Aber mittlerweile bin ich nur noch verärgert. Verärgert vor allem über die Kommunikation mit dem Kunden.

    Wochenlanges warten auf Antworten der geschriebenen Email, Telefonisch brauchte man es gar nicht erst probieren!

    Als renommierte und etablierte Firma was Fanatec in meinen Augen war,ist das leider ein Armutszeugnis!!!

    Nach fast 2 Monaten würde ich gerne das Ärgernis Fanatec abschließen!

  • My order is finally on the move with 9/12 parcels already moved from Hamburg to Berlin and 3/12 still waiting for collection. Lets see if it actually makes it to the UK or not.

  • Waiting for my refund for two months now! Nobody is answering me.


  • I originally placed my order on 24th September and although it was dispatched reasonably promptly it did get returned from customs due to the incorrect paperwork issue.

    I’ve now had a ‘new’ order (1775897) created on 25th October which has not moved at all since then. I’ve had all of the generic emails saying that the customs paperwork has now been sorted and the delivery will start moving today - quite impressive as it’s not even been dispatched yet.

    I’d happily wait if there was just some honest communication and not the occasional dishonest emails that are being sent out currently.

    You’ve had our money so at the very least be honest about the status of our orders!!!!

  • Ordered 19th September (1746034) and still nothing, no emails other than auto response from customer service enquiry, ups label created weeks ago but no other information or movement.

    Absolute joke of a company verging on criminal.

  • Was this supposed to excuse months and months of incompetence? No, these issue DO NOT explain lack of comms. Doesn't explain you setting etas on product orders and just ignoring them. You knew issues were and have been occuring for some time and didn't forward ANY of this to your existing customers.

    This is and was a cowardly approach from Fanatec.

    Warehouse issues due to a lack of planning and management. Bureaucratic issues means someone didn't fill the correct paperwork out? Sounds like you have a staffing culture issue to me. One that's usually in place of good working conditions, fair and reasonable management and a safe and inclusive work place. Staff usually suck when the company does too.

    When you stuff up, Fanatec, you fix! As in, you pay the money to get staff in to get orders out. You pay loading for OT. You contact your customers IMMEDIATELY, and you sure as heck don't try to make out that these issues were seemingly out of your control, like your customers should be more understanding. You E left this too late and much trust has been lost in your community. You let them down. Now, take responsibility, and stop hiding behind your wall of internet.

  • Dear fanatec

    Please can I have an update on order number 1751367 ordered on the 27/9/23 for my son’s birthday which was 16/10/23 still not received now todays date being 7/11/23 . I have messaged your company but to no avail like everyone else . Absolutely awful customer service never seen anything like it.

  • James .James . Member, Administrator

    Thank you for the information, Ben. We had put your parcel on a list of critical cases and we’re glad that you finally received it. We’ll put your feedback forward and we’re very sorry that it took us this long. 

  • Hi just wondering where my order is its been nearly a month now since i ordered the product and my order number is 1755523

  • Order Number 1775518 - it's been two weeks now and all that you have done with my order is print the UPS label! This, like many others on here, has really dampened my excitement on getting my first Fanatec setup.

  • please dear Fanatec Team, please give me a RMA and all iss good, I can send you the wrong sended order back to you, and you refund my order. Please take a look at

    my Order : 1750757

    CRM : 000000700451208

    Products QR2 Wheel-Side (QK32300516E)

    I already preOrdered the DD+

  • Hi fanatec,

    I can’t comprehend your perspective on customer service, it seems like James only respond to good comments on here, you guys don’t really care about customers. I’m still waiting for my order since the 29th of August. I do understand things can go wrong, but your lack of communication is just unacceptable. I’ve been given another order number on the 20th of October and still waiting. By reading some of this comments above I don’t understand why you are posting orders that are made after the 29th of August, you should prioritise older orders. Over two months waiting and who knows how much more. It’s just so bad that I’m starting thinking that I won’t even going to get it. I’m very disappointed with you guys.

  • 1772863 17 days later without so much as a word. 3 emails ignored, if i dont hear shortly with a solution i will just contact my bank.

    Maybe Fanatec can write to my 12 year old and explain why at this rate he still wont have his Birthday present a month later @james

  • Very sad.

  • Scott DenhamScott Denham Member
    edited November 2023

    Hi, My order number is 1768817 and was placed on 17/10/2023. I have been waiting patiently for my order to arrive but I haven’t had any communication from yourselves and no emails like other folk seem to be getting. The shipping type still says not stated. All I’m wanting is some sort of reassurance that order is progressing or is even going to arrive at some point? Thats not much to ask for from a paying customer. Thanks

  • This section is definitely of little use. They do not communicate with me, they do not refund the amount of the orders, I do not have the orders. If on the 15th, which is two months after the first order, I do not have any direct communication, I will file a report to the authorities for fraud.

  • Salut, je viens de passer une commande le 28/10 sa fais 9jour j’attend se qui est correct pour l’instant j’ai reçu les confirmations ainsi que mon colis serai en préparation a partir de lundi cependant j’ai pas de numéro de suivie est ce que c’est normal et est ce que je devrai m’inquiéter ou mon colis va arriver en Suisse ?merci

  • Bestellung 1772158 und 1772136

    Ich kann nicht verstehen, wie Sie mit Vorbestellungen umgehen.

    Meine Vorbestellung ist fertig für den Versand und jetzt soll ich noch 5 Tage warten bis ich eine Tracking Nummer bekomme.

    In der Vorbestellung sind nur die QR2. Ich habe aber Angst vor der Lieferung des ClubSport DD+. Wenn es auch wieder 5 Tage dauert, bis der Artikel im Lager bearbeitet wird, dann kommt die neue Wheel Base durch Inventur erst Anfang 2024. Wenn man etwas vorbestellt, erwarte ich eine priorisierte Lieferung zum Erscheinungstag. Immerhin haben Sie mehrere hundert Euro vorab bekommen. Mal gucken ob es Fanatec schafft, Weihnachten zu versauen. Ich wollte meine alte Wheelbase noch vor Weihnachten verkaufen.

    Order 1772158 and 1772136

    I don't understand how you handle pre-orders.

    My pre-order is ready for shipping, but I have to wait another 5 days to receive a tracking number. The pre-order only includes the QR2. However, I'm concerned about the delivery of the ClubSport DD+. If it takes another 5 days for the item to be processed at the warehouse, the new Wheel Base won't arrive until early 2024 due to inventory. When you pre-order something, I expect a prioritized delivery on the release day. After all, you've already received several hundred euros upfront. Let's see if Fanatec manages to ruin Christmas. I wanted to sell my old Wheel Base before Christmas.

  • David DeGreefDavid DeGreef Member
    edited November 2023

    After reading several posts along with the e-mail as referred to below. How is inventory allocated to orders?

    As of now my pre-order only has the CSDD as unavailable which also includes the Formula eSports rim and the QR2-WB which are all showing as available. But in the case of when the CSDD becomes available and the QR2-WB becomes out of stock will my order be delayed for the shortage of the QR2-WB?

    Thank you

  • edited November 2023

    ...glaube wir sitzen da fast im selben Boot, habe kurz vor dem Release vom QR2 das QR2-Bundle vorBestellt, kam auch recht schnell nach einer Woche, grüße gehen raus @Fanatec. Nur leider habe ich den WhellSide QR1 zusammen mit dem BaseSide QR2 bekommen (hätte natürlich laut Bundle das BaseSide QR2 mit dem WheelSide QR2 werden sollen) Jetzt warte ich schon seit fast 6 Wochen auf ein Antwort, habe auch schon ein Support Ticket erstellt, aber leider ohne Erfolg. Beide Sachen sind immer noch in Originalverpackung, und ich warte nun seit fast 6 Wochen auf eine RMA damit ich die Sachen wieder zurück zu Fanatec senden kann. Weil mittlerweile brauche ich auch das BaseSide QR2 nicht mehr, da ich mir die DD+ vorBestellt habe, und da ja das BaseSide QR2 vorMontiert ist.


    ...I think we're almost in the same boat, I pre-ordered the QR2 bundle shortly before the release of the QR2, it came pretty quickly after a week, greetings go out @Fanatec. Unfortunately, I got the WhellSide QR1 together with the BaseSide QR2 (of course, according to the bundle, it should have been the BaseSide QR2 with the WheelSide QR2). Now I've been waiting for an answer for almost 6 weeks, and I've already created a support ticket, but unfortunately without success. Both items are still in their original packaging and I've been waiting for an RMA for almost 6 weeks now so I can send the items back to Fanatec. Because now I no longer need the BaseSide QR2 because I have pre-ordered the DD+ and since the BaseSide QR2 is pre-assembled.

    my Order : 1750757

    CRM : 000000700451208

    Products QR2 Wheel-Side (QK32300516E)

  • Order number: 1766979

    Ordered about a month ago, order got sent back once about a week ago, support promised to send me a new tracking number immediately. And "suprisingly" i got nothing but silence after that. IDK if this is the right place to go about this but since support wont do anything, i'll post this here. I need the new tracking number asap or i'll make a claim for my bank.

  • Order number 1764861

    ordered on the 12 Oct. Charged to my account on that day and then No tracking number provided. Used reference number to track. No movement until 3 Nov when it said Origin scan and now returned back to you 3 days later. I would really like it to be sent thankyou.

  • Hi, this is my order placed 3 weeks ago for QR2 pro bundle. I took the pro despite the price to not wait because the regular was not available.. And finally I still have to wait 3 weeks ++

  • Why are you only responding to positive comments and totally ignoring the 99 % of order issues? It's a complete joke.

  • Ryan YoungRyan Young Member
    edited November 2023

    Tomorrow will be 4 weeks since my order was returned to sender and over 6 weeks since I placed my order (order ref 1750075 placed on 25/09/23, webform ref FRM287956 submitted on 11/10/23).

    I find it hard to understand how items returned to the warehouse cannot have their missing information resolved and the order re-shipped in that period of time and have still received no communication on the forum or via e-mail regarding my order.  

    Given this, I've decided that unless I have a new order number/UPS tracking reference showing my order is on its way by close of business on Thursday, I'll be submitting a claim to my credit card company.

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