Which QR2 Wheel for DD+ on PS5?

i am a new member, using a G29 on a playseat since several years.. i will build a new rig and plan to buy a new Fanatec Setup, driving GT7 on my PS5. First idea was to buy the 8nm DD Pro GT Bundle. After testing der new 12nm and also 20nm Fanatec Wheels, i realize, that i have to pay much more money, as i now plan to order the new DD+.
I am very confused about, which wheel to choose, as there a only a few supporting QR2, correct? Do i have to use the QR1 to QR2 wheel side adapter, or will there be new wheels coming in the nexts weeks.
My favorite one at the moment is the CLUBSPORT STEERING WHEEL PORSCHE 911 GT3 R V2. Does GT7 / PS5 deliver input to the Wheels OLED or is this only usable on PC / XBOX?
What about the pedals, as i understood, the Clubsport v3 will not use force feeedback on PS5. Is this this the same with the CSL v2 pedals?
V3 pedals FFB is hardly worth worrying about. You can hardly feel it with shoes on.
I don't think CSL V2's have any FFB
If you're only playing PS5, just know that it's generally limited, but if the game supports the feature then you're fine.
If you're just buying into Fantec for the first time and getting the Clubsport DD+ you DO NOT need a wheel side adapter. Whatever wheel you buy you will need to add a QR2 wheel side to if it does not state that it is included.
What wheels include a QR2 adapter? Why is there no search option for this on the Website?
Fanatec needs to make the QR2 an option for every new wheel sold asap. Or provide one QR2 wheel side with the new Clubsport DD and DD+.
If this does not get fixed before the DD+ ships on the 19th of December, I am cancelling my order for the DD+.
I am not spending another 99 EUR and be stuck with a QR1 I have no use for. It is a waste of material and poor customer service for a 1000 EUR base.
Did you already preorder the DD+? Did you already get a date or just the note, that because of the amount of orders it will be delayed? Do you have to pay directly after preorder or later, when they ship the Base?
Paid when placing the order. Did not check if there are other payment options.
They should ship based on the purchase order date. If they run out of stock, I am hoping my order to not be affected.
So you didn‘t order a wheel, only the base? Do you have old Fanatec equipment, which you will use with the new base?