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Is it possible to show the angle of the steerinh wheel?
My problem is CSL DD with P1 V2 doesn't turn into 0.0 position and you don't know if the stering wheel turned clockwise or anti clockwise a full turn
Before a rally stage start i often go off the track because the steering wheel is not in 0.0 position
I would ask you guys could you re write the sogzware to add a "-" sign to the left near to Gear indicato if the steering wheel left turned 180+ degree to the left and "-" at the right near the Gear when the wheel turned 180+ degree to the right?
[-n ] would help us, to turn the wheel to the right at least 180 degre to be on the midde
[ n-] would help us, to turn the wheel to the right at least 180 degre to be on the midde
[ n ] would be as the standard when the wheel not runed more than 90 dehre to any direction and read to go
(show n or 1 or any selected gear doesn't matter, the position of the "-" matters)
It is a simple but easy solution to avoid start a drive with not in the middle and avoid to crash into the wall or run into the spectators
That's actually not a bad idea.
Few row of codes have to add in the frimware / driver and everybody would be statisfying happy