Broken Pins

So I have ordered the xbox bundle which includes the pedals, mclaren gt3 wheel and the csl dd 5ml ! It arrived yesterday and after setting everything up, not even 5 minutes into gaming the pins on my mclaren wheel snapped ? Everything was set up perfect, I didnt even use any force when driving... now there are pins stuck inside my direct drive, some pins are missing and my wheel is missing lots of pins..... I contacted fanatec immediately and heard no response yet. I want to get an replacement immediately since I have warranty for all until 2025... have you guys experienced this?
Didnt you attached a QR to the wheel and just the wheel "naked"?
Otherwise it is plain impossible to have this kind of massive damage after "not even 5 minutes".
I am as confused as you are! I got a QR free from fanatec and I put everything on together! I just stood there in awe to how could have this happened not even 5 mins into playing formula 1..
This kind of damage can never ever happen when you had the QR attached properly. Simply completely impossible.
So either you did not had the QR connected at all or not attached properly, which would unfortunately be a user error not covered by the warranty.
And I can pretty much guarantee you that the support wont believe that this damage happened with a proper installation...
I can assure you everything was set up perfect! My friend helped me as he has his own fanatec bundle and had it for over a year. Even he said to contact fanatec, he can't understand how this happened... what's the fastest way to contact them? I dont see any live chat options...
You have to open an official RMA case through your webshop account under "My products".
But to be really honest.. I doubt that anyone believes that the QR was mounted correctly as this kind of damage is absolutely impossible to get within not even 5 minutes. So they might offer you a repair / exchange but I dont think that it will be covered by the warranty..
But you have to deal this out with the support.
I am a person who always checks if everything is ready! My friend was also taking his time, that's why I do not understand how this is possible... and its frustrating because I was so excited for it and it just breaks... hopefully it gets sorted because I was looking forward to using it
Is the QR broken as well? You have pics of it? Because with this kind of damage the whole QR would need to be completely destroyed as well............
QR is in perfect condition. The only thing affected was the mclaren gt3 wheel pins, which some got stuck inside the direct drive and other pins fallen out. If I messed up I would take the blame and buy a new one but my friend was here helping me since he owns one and the fact it just snapped? I cant understand that
Nobody can understand how the pins can break and bend that much when you had the QR attached to the wheel properly because it is, as I said multiple times, completely not possible from a physical point of view. There is no twist when the QR is attached which could lead to such an enormous bending on the pins, physically impossible.
So good luck that the support believes you, I predict it will be extremely hard to prove that you had the QR installed properly.......
Why does the wheel have the thick plastic ring around the pin end, shouldn't it be the thinner metal plate? If it's got the wrong one fitted then maybe the wheel/QR didn't engage properly. You can see what I mean in this pic from the wheel page on the website, compare that to the one posted above...
I had to remove the thin metal one from my McLaren when I fitted QR2 recently.
That plastic ring should not be a problem. All wheels from now on will have that plastic ring by default if I'm not mistaking. Looking at the photos it sits flush with the pins and the same in the QR of the base so it will be no issue I would say.
But looking at the QR did you even use screws? On the QR photo no marks at all on the QR it has been tightened?
i not sure that this would affect that, all new steering wheels have that plastic, i think old wheels had this metal thing
Fair enough, just seemed strange as I had to fit the thick plastic one to be able to use QR2. Didn't know that it was standard now.
this could happen easy if user push in the steering wheel to socked but not closed that plastic nut, qr little is not same like other quick releases
Just an update of whats going on. After emailing them and waiting for their reply, explaining what happened they were very understanding and helped me out immediately! This morning I got an email of how to return my goods for repair and its been paid for already ( shipping). Although it was an unfortunate circumstance with my wheel and wheelbase breaking, they are fixing it asap. I am very impressed with their customer support!