Rally module on Xbox series x

can anyone tell me if the led lights will work on the module while using on series x and can they be adjusted using fanalabs on a laptop then reconnected to Xbox, I know there is limited button use but also wondering if both d pads will work independently like the controller,thanks in advance if anyone can provide answers
I don't think it will work, Xbox is well known for not having many features of the Fanatec wheels working in the first place.. even older wheels RPM lights and screens, are still not working correctly on Xbox
You know the Rally button module only is compatible to Xbox if connected to ClubSport Universal Hub V2 for Xbox?
Yes I have the v2 hub already and I’m aware the screen will not work,but if the lights work as in light up individual buttons i would be happy enough with that
Fanalab only works on a PC. It needs to be running in the background for it to work. And since there is no connection between the PC and console, its not going to work
Ok thanks for that,i didn’t realise it had to stay running just to light up the buttons
It not only lights up buttons, but you can customise the rev lights/flag leds, but also have multiple profiles. So each car can have an individual rev lights, and different FFB /steering/vibration settings - and can automatically change to that profile (game/car dependant)
As far as I’m aware the rally module has no rev light’s or flag lights built in,only colour changeable and dimmable buttons ,I would still have 5 separate profile’s to set using the v2 hub, so basically my question is only relating to the buttons lighting up or not