CSDD Firmware not Updating


The Quick Release firmware isn't updating in Fanatec Firmware Manager.

I am trying to update the drivers and the wheel base driver is up to date now, but the WQR firmware isn't updating. The wheel doesn't feel good in iRacing as if it is <4nm.

Am I doing something wrong?


  • Try updating it when the wheel detached.

  • Yeah I tried that... then my steering wheel doesn't show up when I plug it back in. Restarted, changed ports on computer, etc.... going to make a new post being more specific.

  • are you by chance going through a USB hub?

  • If the Auto-Update didn´t work try to manualy update the WQR in the Firmware Manager.

    I had also the problem that the WQR wasn´t updated. With the manual Update it works for me.

  • Moin moin,

    I have exactly the same problem as my colleague. WQR firmware doesn't work, not even manually (with the check mark and then select manual). Then I have to remove the steering wheel and then I try 3 times and nothing works.

    then I try to update the HUB V2 xbox and that doesn't work either.

    What can i do?

  • Ok, this message was also shown on my PC, but only while trying the Auto Update.

    After switching to manual Update it works without these error message and after the WQR Update was finished, i was able to get my Universal Hub V2 for Xbox Updated via the auto-update Function.

    So if the WQR Update isn't possible i would reccomend to contact fanatecs technical Support. It seems to be a general Problem with the WQR.

  • I just tried to start a request under Support in my account, but that doesn't work. It always gets canceled!


  • Yep, same issue. I got mine about 2 weeks ago.

    I updated the wheel base with no issues.

    My Formula V2 will not update manually, it always says its disconnected. When I plug it back in, it will not detect. The base has to be rebooted.

    The WQR will not update as well.

  • edited December 2023

    @ Kurt Trim

    Support couldn't help you either? Haven't you gotten any help yet or what have you done? Do you play on PC or Xbox?

    Oh no, that it looks really bleak.

     My request to support was received. You will receive a confirmation via email, I didn't know (sorry).

    I always ask myself why an error like this isn't discovered in advance. Fanatec must have tested this 1,000 times on the Xbox/PC. I'm really sad and disappointed about the whole thing.

    I realize that something like this can happen, but apparently it's not just me who has the problem.


    Konnte Dir der Support auch nicht helfen? Hast Du bis jetzt keine Hilfe bekommen oder was hast Du gemacht? Spielst du am PC oder Xbox?

    Oh ne, dass sieht ja echt düster aus.

    Meine Anfrage an den Support kam doch an. Man bekommt per E-Mail eine Bestätigung dazu, wusste ich nicht (sorry).

    ich frage mich ja die ganze Zeit, wieso so ein Fehler im Vorwege nicht entdeckt wird. Fanatec müsste das doch 1.000 x an der Xbox/PC getestet haben. Ich bin wirklich traurig und enttäuscht über das Ganze.

    Mir ist klar, dass so etwas passieren kann aber augenscheinlich habe ja nicht nur ich das Problem.

  • I managed to update mine. Here is the step-by-step process I used.

    1. Turn off the wheelbase and take out the steering wheel.
    2. Uninstall the Fanatec Driver Package in add or remove a program.
    3. Restart your computer.
    4. Plug the wheelbase into a different port with CSDD; it needs to be 3.0. Make sure this is directly to the computer, no extensions or hubs.
    6. Reinstall the latest drivers from the fanatec website (454).
    7. Restart the computer after they have been installed.
    8. Now you can turn on the wheelbase.
    9. The wheelbase should be updated now, then go to the fanatec firmware manager.
    10. Select Manual Firmware at the top.
    11. Now FIRST manually update the Wireless Quick Release, and then update anything else, still wait to plug in your wheel.
    12. Once everything else has been manually updated you can plug back in the wheel and update it if necessary.
  • Das hat funktioniert!

    Bitte darauf achten, daß man den Flash Firmware Button beim Update drückt.

    Ich spiele auf der Xbox Serie X. Ich werde nochmal berichten, wenn ich ein wenig getestet habe.

    Werde Forza, F1 und WRC zum zocken antesten. Juhu, einer Erwachsener ist wieder glücklich

  • Schön zu hören! Dann mal viel Spaß beim antesten

    Für den Anfang kannst du die DD1 Settings nehmen und das FFB etwas anheben (ca. 75%), war bei der Xbox ein guter Einstieg

    Und falls vorhanden auch mal AC und ACC austesten, die beiden haben mich mit der neuen Base am meisten überrascht.

  • Danke für die Info,

    gestern Abend hat auch gleich die ganze Familie ein paar Runden gedreht. Ich habe erstmal alles auf Standard gelassen. Ich taste mich so langsam heran. Sitzposition am SimRig, die passenden Abstände finden usw.

    Ich habe auch keinen Vergleich bzgl. FFB bzw. Direct Drive. Ich hatte mir damals das Fanatec Turbo S (2010 oder 2011) gekauft und geliebt, dann war es bei Xbox bzgl. Unterstützung sehr mau. Aber jetzt starte ich wieder voll durch ;)

  • AJ GreigAJ Greig Member
    edited December 2023

    For anyone else having this issue the instructions by Kaelan did not work for me, I was able to update the QR2 manually but not the CS DD wheelbase itself. Eventually I unticked the "Save current Tuning Menu settings and reload after firmware update" prompt and it worked first time. I lost all my previous profiles that I used on my CSW 2.5 which wouldn't have worked anyway as there is a few settings in the profiles that don't exist for the CSW 2.5, this is likely what is causing the issues to begin with.

    Worth trying for anyone else still having these issues despite Kaelan's advice as I see that what he instructed did work for others but not me.

  • Buongiorno a tutti.almeno voi riuscite a giocare..........Il mio CS DD dopo venti minuti di aggiornamento ha smesso di funzionare.Il CS DD non si accende piu' e non so il perche.Sono tre giorni che ci provo.Neanche una curva in pista sono riuscito a fare.

  • In case the wheel base is not able to power up while the PSU is showing no issues and the LED on it is on, please check the following:


    1.  Is the power button clicking properly?
    2.  Do you spot any visible damage on the power port on the wheel base?
    3.  In case there are no hardware issues visible, please try to start the base in bootloader mode. Press and hold the power button for 10 seconds while the base is connected to a Windows PC with our driver installed. The firmware update will show up on the screen. Proceed with the update and try to power the base on again.
    4. In case you are using a Podium DD wheel base with a Kill Switch installed, please check if the kill switch button is unlocked. When powering the wheel base off by using the Kill Switch, the button itself stays pressed until it is unlocked. This can be done by turning the button clockwise, as shown by the arrows on it. 

    In case the PSU LED is off while the power supply is connected, please check the following:

    1.  Inspect the power supply and cables for any damage. (Make sure the PSU is NOT connected to the electrical network!)
    2.  If there is no visible damage, please try connecting the PSU to a different wall socket.

  • Yeah same thing for me.

    DD+, QR2 and a MClaren GT3 v2.

    Fanatec Manager says me that QR2 and steering wheel need an update. I click to do them. It ask me to unplug the steering wheel to upgrade the QR2, I do it and click OK, and finally it fail exactly like in your picture.

    I tried many times, tried other USB ports, tried after reboot the PC, uninstall & reinstall the drivers... Fail, Fail, Fail.

    Firmware manager is a total garbage and a big shame about Fanatec which does nothing while many consumers have exactly the same problem.

  • Même chose pour moi. ça fait des années que le problème existe, plus de 4 000 000 de posts sur ce problème, indigne d’une entreprise comme Fanatec, je pense qu’ils ne veulent pas reconnaître qu’il y a un problème plus profond qui les obligerait à réparer toutes les bases à cause d’un problème de conception. J’ai fait une demande au SAV le 9/04/2024 , ils me répondent qu’ils sont débordés et qu’ils faut attendre environ 3 semaines avant d’avoir une réponse. J’attends de voir quelle résolution ils vont m’apporter, sachant que j’ai déjà tout essayé.

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