Wheel light stays red once it has done its calibration

Hello, our wheel has decided to stay red once it does its start up proceedure and does connect to the x box - any ideas?
Hello, our wheel has decided to stay red once it does its start up proceedure and does connect to the x box - any ideas?
Press the Xbox button on your wheel to change the Base Mode into Xbox mode.
Thanks for the prompt reply - I tried that but the red light stays on :-(
Which steering wheel?
Which firmware?
Alternativly maybe try to press the View-Button (two rectangels) & the yellow Y-Button on your Wheel or Hub together to switch through the Modes.
Alternativly maybe try to press the View-Button (two rectangels) & the yellow Y-Button on your Wheel or Hub together to switch through the Modes. - THAT WORKED the light is yellow!
What did that do? We borrowed the wheel from someone so maybe best we donwload something!
Nothing, it´s just the Button-Kombination to switch through the Modes via Hub or Wheel (red = PC-Mode, Yellow = CSW Comp.-Mode, green = Xbox-Mode, Blue = PS-Mode -> not possible on your base)
Yellow light is CSW Comp.-Mode, Press the Kombination once more and than the light schould switch to green for Xbox-Mode. Also the little white LED over the xbox-Button should then start to shine.
Thanks for that and thanks for the quick replies - my son will be pleased to see it back up and running!