Disable wheel BLI while keeping the option enabled on the V3 pedals

I received today my V3 pedal set and I'm very pleased with them so far.
As they arrived, I took the opportunity to upgrade the firmware of the entire set, V3 pedals, CSL Elite base and Clubsport F1 wheel, all upgraded now.
One of the main features I was aiming for in V3 pedals whas the BLI function, which I already had without them, but was with rumble on the wheel and for me it felt weird, so it was turned off until today.
When I turned it on today, I saw in Fanalab that BLI option both on the wheel and on the V3s, however, turning one on or off replicates the setting on the other end, and is the same on the equipment itself, either I have rumble both on the wheel and the brake pedal, or on none of them. Also, when BLI is active, the effect on the pedal is almost imperceptible, is there but it is nothing compared as when testing the brake vibration using Fanalad, which is more to my liking.
My questions are:
Is it possible to disable BLI effect on the wheel but keep it active on the V3 brake pedal?
If it is not possible to have one or the other, will there be any possibility in the future to have the option to choose if we want to have the BLI effect on the wheel, pedal or both?
If there is no plan or possibility to add this feature in the future, are the motors on the wheel for the BLI effect to simulate the BLI effect alone? If so, unplugging them can be an option, but I need to be sure those motors are not used for anything else first so I won't loose any other effect on the wheel but the BLI...
Also, what can be causing the difference in rumble intensity from the BLI effect and from the vibration test in Fanalab? Since the BLI effect is feeding both motors at the same time but the vibration test is only feeding one can that be the root cause?
My V3s are plugged in the wheel base, since it is the only way to be able to play in PS5 GT7.
Thank you for you support.
Just bumping this, anyone can help me? At least for the part if the motors that vibrate on the wheel only provide the BLI option or are there for other effects as well?