steering wheel stop working after firmware update

Hi guys, my steering wheel stopped working after firmware update, has anyone had the problem I've tried everything and I can't get support with Fanatec.
thank you
Hi guys, my steering wheel stopped working after firmware update, has anyone had the problem I've tried everything and I can't get support with Fanatec.
thank you
Yeah same problem rolled back and everything working again
I finally got my system connected last night, maybe got 30 minutes of racing in, and now today my Formula V2 steering wheel will not turn on as an Xbox controller. in fanatec control panel it recognizes the wheel, I can see changes when I press the pedals, turn the steering wheel and everything else seems perfect in all of the fanatec software, but i can't use the center button to turn on my xbox, the xbox does not recognize that the wheelbase and steering wheel are even connected, and I'm