New Clubsport SW Formula V2.5 - buttons on wheel too small so button caps barely hold

Hi everyone,
I received my new Clubsport SW Formula V2.5 (the one with the leather grips) and found out that my button caps and also the button caps delivered with the wheel don‘t/barely hold on the wheel buttons. I can twist the button caps easily or they even come off when pressed (and then stick a little on the thumbs). So I literally would have to use some double-sided tape or something to make them hold.
The exact same button caps snug nicely on the buttons of my other wheel rims (CS RS and the blue Podium F1 Wheel). So it seems like there maybe is a batch of newly produced Clubsport SW Formula V2.5 wheel rims where the production tolerance of the buttons on the wheel is off and have a slightly too small diameter to hold the button caps firmly.
Did anybody else experience that the button caps don‘t fit/hold on the steering wheel buttons?
I actually didn‘t find anything regarding that on google. It is quite unsatisfying to again having to do workarounds to use things as they are supposed to be (I am already through that with the QR1…).