Holiday Shipping Schedule

Found this in the Chat Bot feature.


  • So if my math is correct, and the 10 days from Completely Shipped theory is accurate if your order wasn't in this status as of Dec 8 it looks more like a 2024 delivery.

    I'm sure everyone appreciates the Black Friday deals but maybe having an annual sale in September or October would be a better idea so folks that are planning on Christmas actually get it before hand?

  • edited December 2023

    WTF??? How the hell are they planning to do an annual inventory with thousands of orders that aren't processed? That inventory will be as fucked up as their customer service.

    If i would be working in that company i would resign right now.

    Anyway, nowt that i know this i will cancel my order next week if it is still in process and buy me a second hand thrustmaster untill the Moza R3 releases.

  • Having been responsible for developing and implementing inventory control including annual inventories. It would not be optimal to have inventory that is present and paid for by the customer sitting on the floor. Overtime and scheduling carrier pickups as often as necessary would be at the top of the list.

    I remember our Controller would be flipping out having to back out invoicing....I'm just going to stop now as I am having flashbacks that I'd rather forget. LOL.

  • So having the DD+ with an availability date of the 27th dec, sure is a small window to ship those orders.

  • If it is anything like my CS DD order, and I hope yours is a better experience. More likely than not after it becomes available it could be several days to weeks to go from In Progress to The order is in process to Completely Shipped which then could be 10 more days to a tracking number.

  • So I can see that between Dec 23rd and Jan 06 they won't be shipping anything. Nice.

    Just take a month of holiday. Why even work now since the have made millions in the orders. Take our money and run away.

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