UPS are finally delivering on the 19th, but....

I ordered a CSL DD Mclaren Ready2Race bundle and got tired of waiting. So ordered a set up from Moza. Sods law Fanatec (or rather UPS) have finally decided to ship the Fanatec bundle. But I think im going to keep the Moza bundle. So will have the Mclaren bundle for sale if anyone in the UK is interested. Will remain fully sealed.

Price wise I would be just looking for what i paid for it including taxes


  • prime example of why it pays to be patient. You're not gonna get what you paid for it either, its second hand after all - you're gonna have to take a hit, at least 20% IMO.

  • don't listen to these dumping blackmails about lowering the price.

    wait to sell until all this madness is over. put it in an ad in 2024, don't unpack the boxes, and you'll sell.

  • Will sell straight away. Saves other people the hassle after all. You’ll break even for sure.

  • You could just refuse delivery and avoid the hassle. Let Fanatec know via email that you wish to revoke the sell due to delays and be done with it.

  • Utter nonsense imo. If the boxes are still sealed its still new. Are you suggesting any returned items to any retailer are then second hand?

    I agree with the other comments, it'll sell no problem for the price i paid.

    Good point, I just didnt want to risk it going back to UPS to sit there for ages or wait ages for a refund. Thought selling it would be quicker. Plus i thought i could supply a bundle to someone who is waiting for one at no extra cost to them.

    Ill contact UPS & Fanatec

  • That’s the very definition of second hand so not nonsense at all. Plus you’re having to trust a complete stranger as to if the item is fully working.

    only a stupid/naive person would pay full price for something that is second hand. There is literally no benefit to the buyer.

  • Gareth WoodGareth Wood Member
    edited December 2023

    If its SEALED its not been used, thus not second hand, so yes you talk nonsense. So you are saying items that are returned to a retailer unused and sealed are second hand haha. If it had been opened (seals broken) you'd have a point, but they havent/wont be, so you havent.

    Trust a stranger that its fully working.. lol you're not getting the "still sealed" part are you. Proof of which i would happily provide. No benefit to the buyer... really, not having to wait for Fanatec.

    But hey, you dont have to worry about it, so jog on and stop stressing about it. Seems there's only you so far that thinks contrary to what i do. If you disagree fine, you're entitled to. But you seem to have a chip on your shoulder about what I (me) sell MY unused items for.

    BTW would you be interested in buying the bundle?

  • Your impulsiveness and impatience has got you into this situation so you’ve only got yourself to blame. And the definition of second hand has got nothing to do with if it’s been used or not, it’s about who’s owned it. If the item is in your possession and is legally yours then yes it’s technically second hand when someone else buys it.

    your point about items being returned to the manufacturer is also incorrect. As effectively you’d be buying from fanatec, your situations means people would be buying from you, so again, not apples for apples.

    i don’t have a chip on my shoulder, just think it’s a bit rich that you’re trying to fob off your second hand items for full price because you made a mistake. Shows a lack of accountability for your own actions.

    but don’t worry, plenty of stupid people in the world, I’m sure you’ll find a buyer for the price you want, it just won’t be me.

  • Gareth WoodGareth Wood Member
    edited December 2023


    Me - going to sell this sealed items for cost price

    Liam - instead of just moving along, he starts whining about it even though he has no interest in buying it. 😂

  • Gareth WoodGareth Wood Member
    edited December 2023

    The funny thing is i'm just going to return it for a full refund, but by what youre saying , Fanatec will deduct 20% off. 🤣

    Liam Gannon, i thought the name was familiar, i've encountered you before.

  • you've decided to put a message on a public forum so don't get annoyed when someone replies to you.

    and yes, i find people like you really annoying. ordering from fanatec is already a slow enough process without spoilt and entitled people purchasing stuff that they don't actually want.

    And this, "oh i'm doing someone a favour" - please, spare me disingenuous smokescreen of a reason, if you didn't order it in the first place then someone would have actually got it direct from fanatec, but no, now they have to buy your raggedy second hand goods.

  • Gareth WoodGareth Wood Member
    edited December 2023

    Im not annoyed. You provided your first comment and now youre drivelling on about something that wont affect you. It you who's annoyed.

    " spare me disingenuous smokescreen of a reason" 😂

    "Raggedy" yes returning the same unopened box makes them raggedy. I bet there's items youve bought that someone has returned and guess what, you wouldnt have even known it. Keep the crying coming Liam, this is amusing.

    Yup definitely the same self-righteous b3ll 3nd Liam Gannon.

  • Yup confirms further. Judging by your comments else where on the forum and to others i am spot on with my assessment. Have a good day Liam.

  • Liam GannonLiam Gannon Member
    edited December 2023

    Most people like to wait for their order to arrive and certainly wouldn’t buy similar goods from another competitor at the same time, what moron would do that? Not many people but Gareth Wood 😂🤣😂

    enjoy your Moza gear and good luck with your sale of the century!

  • Last point Gareth, this is from fanatec re: warranty

    “The guarantee is bound to the person of the first buyer (hereinafter: warrantee) and is not transferable. The manufacturer's warranty covers the territory of the country in which the product was first purchased.”

    so yeah, you’d have to be absolutely stupid to buy your bundle. What happens if it’s faulty from the offset? The buyer just bought a really expensive paper weight, that’s what.

    So yeah, carry on talking complete drivel, but as I said earlier, you’d have to be very stupid to pay full price for what you’re offering. Again, the buyer is taking all the risk hence why anyone should only consider buying it if a discount is offered.

  • Gareth WoodGareth Wood Member
    edited January 15

    Well look at that, the bundle sold literally within an hour of posting it for sale, for the price i bought it for. By a nice bloke from the Midlands. Cash on collection. Who was thrilled.

    I love it when dimwits, think they know it all and get proven wrong. Such is the case with Liam Gannon a.k.a Utter end of a bell.

    One last thing, imagine being so sad and having such a boring life to go out of your way to look up the warranty regards a product that has ZERO affect on yourself. 😂 I think you need to get a boyfriend in your life Liam.

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