CSL BMW vs Torque Low

Hello everyone, a question:...
just arrived the bmw csl, once mounted on my DD2 I reach max at 8nm, (the torque moves from high to low) in reality the FFB is totally non-existent, even if you set it to the maximum both from the application and from the single game ( it happens to me on: ACC, AC and WRC)
Beyond that, there is a way to go beyond 8nm.
Thank you and good day
There is no way to go beyond 8 Nm with this wheel.
The problem, however, is another.
I would also be happy with 8nm, but even though it says 8nm, the FFB is zero, the steering wheel turns as if there were no FFB.
I assume you have adjusted the base FFB to 100% and ACC Gain to at least 60%.
If you use the normal DD2 settings you won't feel anything. Instead, you will need to use settings similar to CSL DD.
In reality, in all the games used (ACC, AC and WRC) I set both the FFB of the DD2 and of each individual game to the maximum.
But the FFB, although it says 8nm, is non-existent.
On ACC the FFB bar when you play, how does it move? Does it clipping?
It is totally absent.
Even fanatec support is not responding to the support email I sent.
When you use GAIN 100 in game you should have clipping in almost every curve. You have a FFB coming from the game very low, too low.
As I wrote before, I give my all both on FANATEC CONTROL PANEL and also in every single game (ACC, AC and WRC)
And the FFB is practically flat. Even if on FANALAB it tells me 8nm.
I would say, if FFB forces aren't working in games (Recommend either Fanatec Driver 451 or now 455):
1: What about the "Fanatec's Control Panel" self tests, does the Force Feedback test work as usual or does it lack any force.
2: Does the self centering calibrating forces center the wheel when you first turn the wheel on, it wouldn't be able to do the total 360 degree to center the wheel if motor had no forces.
3: If all the above works as it should then, I would be checking all the settings in the "Fanatec Tuning Menu", such as (FFB)=60-100, (FOR)=100, (SPR)=100, (DPR)=100.
4: Could also try "Erasing the motor calibration", then recalibrate the motor and wheel center.
5: Try games without Fanalabs.
6: Retest in game, still not working, then motor most likely needs repair.
In the end I decided to return the steering wheel.
I did everything you described, but the problem is not with the DD2, also because when reassembling the Formula 2.5 steering wheel it worked fine.
Fair enough, the CSL's wheels electronic must have been shot (I have heard that the wheels electronics dictate if you get FFB), Glad you got it sorted out.