10% V2.5X voucher doesn't work

I've tried it on a couple of different browsers and on all that I have tried once you enter the voucher code it says "voucher could not be found or is no longer valid"

I haven't screamed about my F1 wheel being in "handed to warehouse" status for a while now or the UPS app saying not collected yet or even the DD+ I ordered being delayed but there is only so much cr4p I can swallow and only so much I can be a mug trying to give the company my money after all this.

Parts ordered over a month ago and are in stock but havent yet been dispatched and yes I know they had a huge volume of sales with BF.

Seriously Fanatec, what the hell is going on????


  • Same situation, I have been trying to make the purchase for two days since I received my 10% discount code by email.

    When I enter it I get an error that the code has not been found or is not activated.

    I have tried different combinations of products in the cart including the formula v2.5x steering wheel and it is impossible, it just doesn't work.

    I have sent the contact form to customer service but I don't think I will receive any type of response, much less before the 27th.

    In that case I will make the decision that I have been thinking about for several days since they canceled 13 products in my Black Friday order.

    Because yes, instead of removing only the formula v2.5x steering wheel with the excuse of the price and keeping the other 12 products in my order, they canceled them all like thousands and thousands of people.

  • I contacted Fanatec and they were deeply sorry for sending me a non-working 10% off Voucher. As an apology they are sending me a non-working 20% off Voucher which is currently in status 'In Progress' with a red checkmark.

    [The above statements bear only passing resemblance to the truth and for all intents and purposes should be considered satire]

  • Mate, the 20% voucher only works once it's been transferred to bathroom before it's status is changed to lost in the warehouse or lost in the ocean.

  • Hallo mitleidende Fanatec Traumata Kunden... Sorry das konnte ich mir nicht verkneifen... nochmal Sorry für die Rechtschreibung. Habe eine Einschränkung... Hauptsache Ihr wisst was gemeint ist!

    Ich bin jetzt seit ca 2 Jahren Kunde bei Fanatec, und fast 54 jahre alt.Habe schon mehrere 1000€ bei Fanatec gelassen.Und was da abgeht ist echt krass... milde gesagt.

    Ob Service /Black Friday oder Treiber!!! Mit PayPal zu zahlen geht auch nicht mehr usw usw... Sie Entschuldigen sich zwar immer für die Umstände, aber andauernd??? Überall an allen Ecken Probleme?!?

    Seit Tagen oder fast seit 4 Wochen (24.11.23 BF)... Bin ich nur am ab... ,,Kot..." verbringe Stunden mit Fanatec Reklamation/ Nachforschungen und Probleme beheben ( versuchen)...

    Wenn man das Fanatec in Rechnung stellen könnte Ho Ho ist den schon Weihnachten... in den USA glaube ich nicht das sie mit den Kunden dort so umgehen ( Verklagen ) könnte ich mir vorstellen... zumindest.

    Im Klartext: Ich bin maßlos enttäuscht und stink Sauer!!! Von Euch Fanatec!!!

    Da ich PS5 Zocker bin,und seit PS2 Simracer bin,ist die Alternative nicht so groß... Momentan. Lizenzen usw für Sony...

    Zum Thema...

    Mein Gutschein ist auch nicht möglich einzulösen. (10%). Ich denke das sie wohl den Jahreswechsel und die Inventur erst abhaken wollen. Um nicht wieder so ein Chaos zu bekommen. Das man ihn erst nächste Jahr einlösen kann. Wäre auch eine Möglichkeit. Oder hat schon jemand ihn eingelöst bekommen?

    Es ist vollkommen egal was man versucht...ob live chatten... ist keiner zu Verfügung. Oder Email ... kommt auch (fast nix)... Telefon oder was auch immer, es ist fast nicht möglich Probleme mit Euch zu lösen.

    Das kannst doch wohl nicht sein Fanatec so mit GUTEN KUNDEN /EHRLICH (BF) /die viel Geld bei Euch lassen so mit umzugehen!?!...

    Überall liest man das gleiche über Euch...

    Maßlos große Enttäuschung.

    Vielleicht liege ich Falsch. Lasse mich auch gerne vom Besseren überzeugen oder sehe ich das Verkehrt?...

    Grüße DiWi16...

  • Same here. I received a voucher for 10% discount, from the order that Fanatec canceled and it does not work or any of the products....

    This is the worst shopping experience I have ever had. Period.

  • I know they won't care, but I plan on submitting a consumer complaint on Monday for cathartic purposes.

    I went fanatec a year ago because it was the only way to have the same setup across PS5 and Xbox. I really regret that choice now.

  • edited December 2023

    In my case, I am a new customer, and I am very disappointed with the treatment and lack of seriousness they have from what I can read with their customers even though they have been with this brand for years.

    I'm not going to tell my life story because I don't think it contributes much to the problem we talked about about not being able to redeem our discount code, but what I will say is that I am almost 40 years old, and I have saved hard the last 3 years to acquire a complete set of equipment. of fanatec products to retire my worn out G29.

    Well, imagine the frustration that a new customer can feel when they finally make their purchase taking advantage of Black Friday and have everything canceled two weeks later.

    All this while receiving an email where at a certain point they even half-blame you for "knowingly taking advantage"... it's outrageous, as if we customers were the ones who put the wheel on Formula v2.5x at €200...

    You can imagine the look on our faces, and if that's not enough, Fanatec continues to laugh at us with this discount code thing...

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