Rim and QR coming off hub

Podium Wheel Base DD2
ClubSport Universal Hub V2 for Xbox
Playseat Formula Intelligence
Following a few hours in WRC23, I noticed the rim and QR1 had started to come loose from the hub. Following rightening of all bolts, I noticed a fair amount of flex in between the wheel and hub if wheel is deliberately pushed upwards and towards the base (firm in all other directions). I assume it has been like that from the start but that WRC23 is the first game making me notice. FFB on base set to 54 and collision in game to 45, so nothing extraordinary.
My best guess is that it relates to me only having mounted the three lower button clusters sitting below the wheel's centre and mounting position to the hub, but none of the two upper buttons clusters. Anyone else having experienced this?
Could it alleviate the issue if I mount corresponding bolts on the upper side only for the purpose of providing equal distances between the wheel and hub on all sides? I am also considering to purchase the Clubsport handbrake and dismount all button clusters to have nothing in between the rim and the hub (i.e. live with the bother of maneuvering menus by the buttons on top of the hub). Would love to buy a podium set up but I am on Xbox and a wider steering wheel would interfere with my legs, given the formula seating position of the rig.