Was buying into Fanatec a mistake?

Order 1810831 was placed Nov 21 - CS F1 2023 Wheel, QR2, CSL Elite V2

Still nothing done on this order other than taking my money, "Order in process"

Order 1862599 was placed Nov 30 - CS DD

No tracking number, has been showing "handover to warehouse" for over a week now.

Wish I could have made a better decision!


  • I'm predorder DD+ at 04 of November and only silent is answer for me.

    Just be patient. We can't change anything now for accelerate delivery. But you can public information in social networks with fanatec tag and attract more attention for this issue.

    P.S. it just fanatec, I got csw v2.5 + P1 wheel + csl elite pedals, less then 5 days, V3 pedals less then 10 days. CSL DD lea then 7 days. qr2 base and when was preorder on release date and got after 10 days. Ask of this was ordered in few last years.

    Now we have 3 problems:

    • low quality of fanatec logistic team (the are not planning blackfriday action)
    • Black Friday - it was biggest sales all of time
    • Logistical issue in red sea and suz channel

    We just need transparency of fanatec.

  • But it's not Black Friday's fault. The problems started earlier, at the end of July, beginning of August. When Fanatec was unable to ship products to the UK and Switzerland, due to missing customs documentation.

    All products were returned, causing a major delay across the EU and customer service for failures. Soon after, for some reason Australia also started to suffer. In this chaotic situation, the CEO saw fit to launch QR2 on the market, which also made shipments to America problematic.

    Here, at this point, comes the great madness of the Fanatec management. Instead of stopping and solving the logistical problems that had affected every sector and every geographical area of ​​the company, the CS DDs were launched, and with them new orders, new customers and new cash collections.

    Then, in the midst of total confusion, with their forum, and Reddit, full of angry customers, comes the BF, with their absurd formula of daily offers.

    This is the chronicle of what happened.

    Now a little personal thought. Anyone on this forum thought and wrote that the daily offers formula used for BF was madness. It seemed, I mean it seemed, like a system to artificially inflate the number of customers and transactions towards Fanatec. Perhaps this was what CEO Fanatec needed to present to shareholders for the annual report.

  • "It seemed, I mean it seemed, like a system to artificially inflate the number of customers and transactions towards Fanatec. Perhaps this was what CEO Fanatec needed to present to shareholders for the annual report."

    It seems to me like there was a concerted effort to get an influx of cash, as quickly as possible, even though they knew that they were completely overwhelmed logistically and could not come anywhere near handling all of the orders that had been placed. Conveniently for them, Fanatec charges your payment method immediately upon placing an order - so Fanatec gets money right away, and you get hit with a bill (potentially paying interest on goods you don't yet have) and are left twiddling your thumbs, wondering when your equipment will arrive.

    Fanatec's stock prices have been tumbling for some time now. I believe you are correct, Alessandro - this attitude of prioritizing sales volume over all else is nothing but an effort to shore up their bottom line and show shareholders that things are "heading in the right direction". I suspect little do the shareholders know about the reputational damage that Fanatec have inflicted upon themselves in the process.

  • They no longer use the "Completely Shipped" excuse.

    They now use "Handed over to warehouse", even retrospectively for past orders, as if they did their job, and anything else is out of their hands. I don’t think this will work to absolve them of their LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY to actually deliver product paid for.

  • Product wise no, customer relations wise yes.

    their CEO/CFO are too busy taking photo shoots with their tacky trendy suits trying to look cool.

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