Fanatec only lies

Every single word that comes out of fanatec is an absolute outright lie. All they do is lie lie lie lie. This company is run by liers. I cant stress enough they will only and only lie about everything they say.

This the sim racing world, this company is a big disgrace.

Horrible mistake as a first time buyer not to do any background research on how bad they have been for not month but years. Some people complaining about same stories as far as 10 years ago.

Shame on you Fanatec for selling items as ready to ship which infact are not even in stock. Because they knew no one would buy if they say will be shipped in 1 month.

I am sure this company is just using customers money to manufacture and then ship. They must hardly have any inventory.

Shame on you Fanatec for ruining peoples Christmas and holidays.

I honestly cant be more disappointed this year all because of this shit company.

Again Shame on you. You should be ashamed of your business practices.


  • Over the last 12,5 years I ordered 22 times at Fanatec and I received every single order almost just in time. There are exceptions e.g. I‘m waiting for my DD+ which should have been send ~12th december. Fanatec sent an Email to tell me that there are some delays. I‘m fine with that.

    Am I paid by Fanatac? No.

    Do I receive discounts for loyalty? No.

    Am I 100% satisfied by Fanatec products? No.

    Am I complaining? No.

    Why am I not 100% satisfied? Fanatec products are not perfect and sometimes are not working as expected when delivered. For example I received a Podium Button Module Rally and there is a PlayStation related issue which results in not supporting sequential shifting at the moment. Modern WRC cars require sequential shifting. So I cannot use my wheel as intended.

    Why am I not complaining? I understand that Fanatec is neither Amazon nor Apple. So it‘s quite natural that the logistics might trouble some issues the closer Xmas comes. Fanatec also doesn’t have the resources to test everything in advance. Due to complexity no electronic company does. And in my experience all problems will be solved because they always did.

    Fanatec appears to have had additional logistic problems as mentioned in their posts which result in huge delays of orders. I‘d be disappointed, too. I can cope with my delays because I have a working setup which I just want to upgrade. I also didn’t want to make them Xmas presents.

    But! People who do not have had any Patience are flooding service support, this forum and social media. This in my opinion is pointless and the worst they can do. Why? Let‘s say there are about 5.000 customers that have made 7.000 orders and now have problems. Let‘s say only half of them have sent at least one mail. Let‘s say every tenth have send a second, third or a mail every other week. Imagine how many mails Fanatec receives every day and lot‘s of them are just about the exact same order. Try this with Apple or any huge company. You wouldn‘t get responses quickly.

    So, I ask you to be patient until you receive a response from Fanatec. Only this way every customer will be pleased in the shortest amount of time - so to say „for the greater good“

    And please stop complaining on social media posts they should care for customer support instead of marketing. That‘s ridiculous. These are not the same people. They are probably not working in the same country or even continent. What’s even the expectation behind? Marketing experts are paid for not working until customer‘s problems are solved? Or do you expect them to be fired and instead hiring more people for customer support? These new guys will not be able to fix your problems. Plus, if Fanatec isn‘t earning money and cannot pay the bills ALL your orders are in danger to be fulfilled.

  • well written Marcel Jeske, that's exactly what I always try to tell others, Fanatec is not a big company and every additional where-is-my-order mail can cause further delays because Fanatec will of course try to answer every single one.

    In addition, not everyone will name their mail perfectly, so the Fanatec staff will first have to see which mail belongs to which order, including mails that are not named at all and cannot be assigned. 

    people just have to be patient and stop being annoying

  • I see some of you are sadistic here. you Fanatec fans are very addicted to someone beating you so much, but you ask for more and more.

    and that many of you are blind in addition to healthy eyes.

  • or some take a more relaxed view of the whole thing and understand that there may be problems. 

    But people like you always have to exaggerate because they simply can't accept that behind every company there are people who are trying their best.

    After reading a bit about you, I have to say that I wish you a good psychiatrist, I know it's not easy to get good help but maybe you'll get lucky... merry christmas ^^

  • but you are still a poor sadist


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