Rally Podium Buttons_Real Car!


Looking to use the Podium Rally Button module in a real car,

Does anyone have a list of CAN IDs for this product?

Although Fanatec advertise this as a real part for MSport, I cant see any support or documentation to help people get up and running with one as part of their own electrical system.

Many thanks,


  • You should be able to read data using something like a CAN CROC or other CAN Bus reader. I think anyway!

  • Yes that should be possible, but I'm assuming there are also messages going the other way for the LEDs etc.

  • Decided not to go ahead and buy one of these button modules after reading comments about delayed delivery and the lack of support/response from Fanatec technical.

    Hopefully Fanatec decide to publish something soon on this, or respond to the request for technical support to get customers up and running with these parts in their race cars.

    Lets see!

  • Hi,

    looking to use this in my real gd Subaru rally car as well as my fanatec dd2 with dirt rally 2.0.

    is there any info available on can messages or a dbc to use this with a Motec dash and pdm?



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