New wheel - doesn't detect

Have a 2-3 month old CSL DD wheelbase, and the round wheel that comes in the bundle, and a QR1 release. Works great, every time...for which I am thankful. PC it's running on is win10, 16GB, running an AMD 5600X.
Received a brand new ESports F1 V2 for Christmas. It won't detect when connecting to wheelbase. As soon as I plug the wheel into the DD, Fanatec software will say theres no Fanatec device detected, and the wheelbase goes into constant calibration mode, with the red light changing to green for a second, then back to red.
I uninstalled the drivers and fanalab. Installed 451. The new wheel would detect and work one time each time I reinstalled. The original wheel works every time, instantly.
We looked at the hardware, swapped releases, changed USB ports, uninstalled all USB devices except keyboard and mouse. Nothing changes this behavior on my machine.
My son has the same rig, but with QR2. So we swapped releases, installed to his wheelbase and the new wheel works perfectly everytime we hook it up. While we had this wheel connected to this machine, we upgraded the firmware on the wheel to v5. This did not help the situation.
I'm going to look at motherboard drivers today and see if there are any updates, but short of that I'm running out of ideas. Has anyone seen this behavior and can provide some insight?
Thanks much!
It's a hardware issue of the WQR Board of your base.
You need to contact the support.
Thank you!
What is WQR? Why would it be OK for one wheel but not another? Just trying to gain some sort of understanding on the different components that make up my racing package and how they interact with each other/what their jobs are.
WQR is the Wireless Quick Release Module inside the Base which in some bases is known to cause weird issues with some wheels.
Thanks again!
So, is this something that gets updated via a firmware patch type of deal or is it truly broken hardware that needs to be replaced?
Affected modules are truly broken and can not be fixed via firmware.
This is the thing that worries me most about being inside the Fanatec ecosystem. My CSL DD wheelbase, out of warranty, could be defective, and I could only notice it after purchasing a new wheel, or worse after updating the firmware.
In fact this prevents me from upgrading or expanding my current Fanatec setup with peace of mind.
I'm actually thinking about selling my current Fanatec system, now that it still has value, and moving to another brand. I'm too lazy to do it, but at the same time scared about all these dormant faults and defects that might already be hiding inside my CSL DD.