Pedals V3 vibration issues with VR Headset

Hi guys,
I'm a recent (and happy) owner of :
- CSL DD (8 nm)
- Clubsport Pedals V3
- Clubsport Shifter SQ V 1.5
- TSS Handbrake Sparco Mod +
- VR Headset HP Reverb G2 V2
(All drivers are up to date, PC Driver 455)
I installed FanaLab to configure pedal vibrations for Dirt Rally 2.0, everything is working fine when I play with my regular screen, but when I use my VR Headset (with Windows mixed reality and Steam VR), I only get the "brake level indicator" vibration...
... but nothing from the specific vibration available in Fanalab configuration :
My game profile is loaded the same way when I play with regular screen or with VR setup, I just don't understand where is the conflict (maybe port issues when Steam VR is active ?).
FYI, a friend of mine has the same problem with his PICO VR Headset, so I guess the problem is at least bind to VR setup.
Any tips will be appreciated, thank you in advance for your help !
FIxed my problem : it was indeed related to ports.
In the hardware_settings_config_vr.xml file, I had to modify motion_platform :
<dbox enabled="true" />
<udp enabled="true" extradata="3" ip="" port="20888" delay="1" />
<custom_udp enabled="false" filename="packet_data.xml" ip="" port="20777" delay="1" />
<fanatec enabled="true" pedalVibrationScale="1.5" wheelVibrationScale="1.0" ledTrueForGearsFalseForSpeed="true" />
(I use the 20888 port)