Podium DD1 PS4 no detecta los volantes

Buenas tardes,
Estoy desesperado, preocupado, y muy intranquilo, necesito ayuda de alguien por favor.
Tengo una base DD1 ps4 podium, con 4 volantes:
ClubSport Steering Wheel Porsche 911 GT3 R V2
ClubSport Steering Wheel BMW GT2 V2
Steering Wheel F1 Blue with the podium Wheel
Steering wheel designed by Polyphony Digital especially for Gran Turismo.
Todo funcionaba perfectamente, y sin problemas. Todos los volantes iban perfectos y bien. Pues el lunes seme ocurre enchufar la base al ordenador y vi una actualización. Pues decidi actulizar todo, la base, el motor, los volantes, el Quick Release, y luego uno por uno los 4 volantes, aunque el de gran Turismo y el de BMW me dijo que no requerian actuzalición.
Después de todo esto, de los 4 volantes, tres han dejado de funcionar completamente, no se enciendes, es como que la base no los reconoce, y con concretamente los más caros:
ClubSport Steering Wheel Porsche 911 GT3 R V2
ClubSport Steering Wheel BMW GT2 V2
Steering Wheel F1 Blue with the podium Wheel
Y solo me funciona y lo detecta perfectamente el de Gran turismo que es el malo.
Lo he probado ya todo, reinstalar una versión anterior, poner la verdion Fanatec Driver 443 creo que es, la anterior a la nueva, porque otra más antigua no me deja. He restaurado la base a las 4 versiones anteriores que existen para desactualizarla, y nada de nada, sigue sin ir. He probado en dos ordenadores y nada de nada.
Ayer me fui a casa de un amigo que tiene una DD Pro y los volantes los detecta y van perfectos, pero puestos en mi base, no me van, estan apagados, ni el ordenador detecta que estan puesto en la base, sin embargo el del Gran turismo si que va todo bien y la base va bien.....
No entiendo nada, no se que más puedo hacer. Estoy desesperado y pido ayuda urgente. Les mande un mensaje a Fanatec hace tres días por la noche, el lunes, y ni me han contestado aún. Son fechas complicadas, pero estoy desesperado.
Todo iba bien, hasta que actualice todo.....si lo llego a saber no toco nada de nada. Y no se como puedo solucionarlo, o que esta pasando. Ayudarme por favor. Que puedo hacer???
Los tres volantes estan apagados y sin señal, no se detectan cuando estan puestos en la base. He reinstalado las diferentes versiones de la base podium y nada de nada. Lo he probado todo.
Que esta pasando??? que puedo hacer???
Good afternoon,
I am desperate, worried, and very uneasy, I need someone's help please.
I have a DD1 ps4 podium base, with 4 steering wheels:
ClubSport Steering Wheel Porsche 911 GT3 R V2
ClubSport Steering Wheel BMW GT2 V2
Steering Wheel F1 Blue with the podium Wheel
Steering wheel designed by Polyphony Digital especially for Gran Turismo.
Everything worked perfectly, and without problems. All the steering wheels were perfect and good. Well, on Monday it occurred to me to plug the base into the computer and I saw an update. Well, I decided to update everything, the base, the engine, the steering wheels, the Quick Release, and then one by one the 4 steering wheels, although the Gran Turismo and the BMW one told me that they did not require updating.
After all this, of the 4 steering wheels, three have stopped working completely, they don't turn on, it's like the base doesn't recognize them, and specifically the most expensive ones:
ClubSport Steering Wheel Porsche 911 GT3 R V2
ClubSport Steering Wheel BMW GT2 V2
Steering Wheel F1 Blue with the podium Wheel
And it only works for me and is detected perfectly by the Gran Turismo one, which is the bad one.
I have already tried everything, reinstalling a previous version, putting the Fanatec Driver 443 version, I think it is, the previous one to the new one, because an older version won't let me. I have restored the base to the 4 previous versions that exist to update it, and nothing at all, it still doesn't work. I have tried on two computers and nothing at all.
Yesterday I went to a friend's house who has a DD Pro and the steering wheels are detected and they work perfectly, but when placed in my base, they don't work, they are off, nor does the computer detect that they are placed in the base, however the one on the Great tourism, everything is going well and the base is going well.....
I don't understand anything, I don't know what else I can do. I am desperate and asking for urgent help. I sent a message to Fanatec three days ago at night, on Monday, and they haven't even responded to me yet. These are complicated dates, but I'm desperate.
Everything was going well, until I update everything.....if I find out, I won't touch anything at all. And I don't know how I can solve it, or what's happening. Help me please. What I can do???
The three steering wheels are off and without signal, they are not detected when they are placed on the base. I have reinstalled the different versions of the podium base and nothing at all. I've tried everything.
What's going on??? What I can do???
open fanatec control panel
select help and then driver repair
that is the only thing i can say, because it helps others
otherwise hope that others have hints
or get a support ticket
waiting time should not be that long
Good Morning Frank,
I do this, to many times, and it doesn´t work. The podium Wheel is not detected the Steering Wheel.
I am very worried and distressed by this situation. I wrote to Fanatec 4 days ago and I still haven't heard from the
i hope you get quickly answer from the support. It could be hardware based issue like the wireless quick release adapter, what i really not hope for you. but a friend of mine have a similar issue and he must send the base to fanatec. but he have the base after 12 days back.
Yes Frank, that seems to be it. Another person on the forum told me the same thing and that only Fanatec can fix it. I'm afraid I'll have to send everything to Fanatec for repair. There is no other option. In principle it is not a problem for me, not at all if it takes a few days, but this situation has me very worried.
Yes Frank, that seems to be it. Another person on the forum told me the same thing and that only Fanatec can fix it. I'm afraid I'll have to send everything to Fanatec for repair. There is no other option. In principle it is not a problem for me, not at all if it takes a few days, but this situation has me very worried.
Sigo sin tener el problema solucionad, y Fanatec no me contesta, solo me han mandado un mensaje desde que paso todo. Estoy muy preocupado.