FanaSCAM steals money

Asetek pre-order does not charge. you wait until they make the product. first come first served rule, you get a notification, pay, they send, in a few days you have the product.

and at FanaSCAM. this is how hookers work. you pay first. although you pay with a prostitute, but she gives it to you. and FanaSCAM didn't give you the product, but took the money.

to make matters better, during BF when everyone was buying this junk from FanaSCAM, everyone else had discounts.

now if you cancel this crap from FanaSCAM, you don't have a discount anywhere else.

not to mention how many of them bought on credit cards and are now paying off the debt for FanaSCAM equipment.

this scam hurts all customers. but it will also hurt FanaSCAM and Thomas the CEO,

for a very long time!


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