how to claim the promised 25% discount?


after a awful first time expiernce with fanatec after canceling my black friday order, i want to give it a another go. But how to get this 25% discount they promised me? do i have to claim it somewhere? how does it works? its already 3\4 weeks they offerd me the discount if i cancel my order. Do they even want me to me to order a product here? or should i slowy go look to the competitors like moza? i just want to race...


  • edited January 2024

    I am in the same boat as you... BF order cancelled 3/4 weeks ago and been waiting for the 25% voucher ever since.

    Cancellation and refund was dealt with very promptly, I got money in my bank pretty much within 2 days from when I've cancelled the order online, but no news on the voucher since, which I understand it is to arrive via email. I have even tried to reach out to Fanatec to understand what is the lead time, but no response :/

  • I would write a ticket asap with the terrible response time. But I would wait until February to use it.

    Otherwise it's like going to a brick and mortar store the week after xmas to spend your xmas gift cards and the shelves are empty. :(

  • i already wrote two tickerts, i got not even a confirmation email. so i dont know what fanatec wants or what to do. the wheel i want says its aviable but im just waiting for the voucher. does fanatec want to sell there product or what? i just dont understand whats holding them back with giving out this vouchers...

  • A TA T Member

    I received a response email regarding the 25 Percent voucher. I posted it on reddit but I will copy paste it here. it means nothing and I do not have the voucher still. I have been also waiting since Dec 15th for this.

    RE: CRM:000016700036580

    Fanatec Webshop .

    Wed, Jan 3, 7:58 AM (1 day ago)

    Dear *****,

    Thank you for your email.

    Please accept our sincere apology for the delay in getting back to you.

    I have checked with my supervisor on this and I will get back to you as soon as the needed information is available.

    If you need further help, please feel free to contact us at any time.

    Thank you and please take care!

    Best regards / Freundliche Grüße


    (Fanatec Sales Order Management Team)

    ***If you reply to this email please choose the reply-function of your email program***

    ***Falls Sie auf diese Email antworten, benutzen Sie bitte die Antwortfunktion Ihres Email-Programms***

    Endor AG

    E.ON-Allee 3, D - 84036 Landshut

    Phone +49 (871) 9221-122 | Fax +49 (871) 9221-221

    E-Mail: [email protected]


    Sitz der Gesellschaft Landshut - Handelsregister Landshut HRB 5487

    Management Board: Thomas Jackermeier (CEO), Matthias Kosch (CFO), Daniel Meyberg (COO), Belma Nadarevic (CMO)

    ------------------- Original Message -------------------


    Received: 28.12.2023 06:44

    To: Fanatec Webshop

    Customer no: *******

    Comment: I wish to know what is the status of the 25% Voucher that was promised on Dec 15th, said by James will arrive by christmas 2023. It has been two weeks. Send the 25% voucher code immediately for the order that was oversold 183**

  • im so tempting to buy the moza r9

  • i have feeling that Simagic Alpha Mini is way better if you go other company direction

    moza r9 does have issues with overheating, i think you not like if you r9 feel like 5nm steering wheel if you play long enoh

  • thanks for your advise i will check out the sim magic.

  • edited January 2024

    Yea even tho YouTube says otherwise Moza wheels are very overrated. Moza had to “one up fanatec” to stay competitive and basically over clocked the bases to get the torque ratings for selling units which is why they overheat.

    Beyond that they aren’t anything special. Have a peak torque advertised that many people say doesn’t even feel accurate and it feels much weaker when compared to other wheels of the same rating. And falls off dramatically to its true holding force like every other base on the market in its range and time period.

    I swear the only reason Moza sold units was cause of overly positive YouTube reviews and people hating fanatec so much they just bought out of spite and have to pretend to love their spoiled soup 🤣

    Moza is literally the bottom of the barrel for me personally. I’d either just wait it out for fanatec, go a Logic Pro or bite the bullet with a la prima combo.

  • yea well, i just wanna race, i cant race since november cause fanatec is not comunicating, how long do i have to wait for the voucher, and even then... if i order, what suprises will i get more, another delay? i can buy now a moza r9 and race tomorrow. I just wanna race....

  • No clue. I’m in the same boat.

    trying to upgrade from the DD Pro to the DD +

  • I bought the moza r9 it will be deliverd tomorrow done with this weird company. There priority is to put there fanatec

    Stickers on race cars for sponsoring race cars from our money.... if you have such a "big" company put youre money into service to your customers instead of sponsoring real life motorsports. The sim drivers made this company big not the real life drivers.

  • you're gonna need to put a fan on it....those things overheat badly.

  • Some have problems some have not, i will see. At least there customers service excist. So if im not happy with product they will help me.

  • That's not true at all. That's like saying all CSL DDs burn out. Only a few do.

  • if user play with his 9nm base with 1 nm of-course he not have problem

  • this guy thinked too that moza is great but in long play he started see the issues

  • Well at least i will get good customer service ;)

  • when i play with the csl dd with 1 nm, the plastic shaft is no problem too. maybe both products have pro and cons

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