I still haven't received my 25% discount code

I placed an order on November 26, on December 15 i was informated that i could wait until march or cancel my order and get 25% discount code, i chosed the second option. So i still haven't recived my promo code, when i could expect they will finaly sent it to me? And is this only my problem or evryones?



  • Here the same situation, because I want to take the refund and want to order some stuff and want at least spend more money than in November. I dont understand this, what is so diffcult to send out some voucher or put them into the account of their customers? At least you have to click and put in a special voucher code for having a discount.

  • same... no voucher yet

  • Same here and not even my money back... I dont think were getting the 25% discount code. And even if we do, the products we want probably wont be available or some products are taken out of the discount. Lets wait and see. Anything can happen here.

  • i´m still waiting too

  • for some are now canceling their orders and nothing was offered at all, no voucher.

    so you never know with the FanaSCAM thieves, maybe they changed their mind and everyone who was promised 25% on December 15 will give it up.

    money that they still do not want to return and they had an obligation to return it within 3-7 working days.

    I honestly think that when they return everyone's money, with a voucher or not, immediately buy from competitors Simagic, Asetek, Simucub, Moza. run as far away from this failed company as possible.

  • A TA T Member

    I am also still waiting for the Dec 15th voucher. I got an email response after asking for it, the CS Rep said shell asked her 'supervisor' and will get back to me when the information is avail. That was Jan 3.

  • You should totally get in contact with Siko here. Seems you two might agree on many points. It’s like you are the same person…weird

  • Marco ThielMarco Thiel Member
    edited January 2024

    Warum bist du zu jedem der was gegen Fanatec sagt so ein Trottel? Manche übertreiben mit dem Hate, aber ich bin noch sehr diplomatisch. Da ist genug vorgefallen und ich bin der totale Fanatec Fanboy gewesen, glaub das mal. Also beruhig dich mal wieder und laber nicht jeden mit deinem Müll voll. Hab mit deinem Forum Krieg nix zu tun.


    You are the Boss. Anything you say Sir.

  • “bin der totale Fanatec Fanboy gewesen, glaub das mal.” That’s not surprising at all, dear Siko. 🥸

  • 😂

  • Du bist mir echt ein Spassvogel. Bin hier raus, das ist mir echt etwas zu dumm. Aber Danke für etwas Unterhaltung an meinem so trostlosen Freitagabend :D

    Youre such a clown. Im out of this discussion because it makes no sense talking to people like you. But thanks for a laugh dear Lisa 😎

  • Ok, ladies and gents, I cracked the code

    Siko is referring to his past self as Marco.

    Where as Siko is the unhinged fanatec hater, Marco on the other hand was a self proclaimed fanatic fanboy.

    You see, two opposites on the Spectrum.

    Now, to make poor Siko into a real boy, the two opposites have to merge in the middle.

    And with the help of a couple of 100 intense therapy sessions and some strong psychopharmacology meds, this should be totally achievable!

  • there, he succeeded. drove away my friend and support. 😥

    but I'm staying, don't worry. you will not drive me away as your beloved leader Thomas the CEO has given you the task


  • 😂🤣 entertaining at least 👍️

  • Wtf hapedened here :D, im waiting for next update with Siko and Marco, oh no sorry for next uptade with our promo. It's seems like most of or evryone have this problem.

  • Oh shit, in my situation they returned the money. Yeah to be honest it's my first product from Fanatec and I didn't expect that

  • Yeah true but there is a bit problem, if i want an f1 wheel for example from moza i have to spend like 2/3 times more than there. And in brand like asetek and simagic, its only more expensive

  • asetek wheels are ugly. i don´t like to much colors on a wheel

  • I put Moza last as a choice on purpose.

    exactly as I listed the competition in order, it is an ideal purchase.

    and as for the F1 steering wheel, take a look at the GT Neo, which is coming to the market in about a month. ok, maybe it's not exactly the F1 type of steering wheel, but it's very close.

  • Frank TschepeFrank Tschepe Member
    edited January 2024

    the GT neo is for 349 Euro unbelievable. Ist looks better than the CS Formula Wheels have RGB button lights 4 Paddles and by fanatec you must by the QR2 for 100 Euros and the APM to be on pair with it and you have no rgb lights.

    It´s really time that fanatec bring new modern wheels on the market. If they they do this not they will become big problems. Selling RDR Bundles will not save the company. In the mid and high end they are losing more and more ground.

    No hating simply comparing

  • is that a rubber what they use at that Neo? toastmaster use that an i have very bad experience with that

  • I think everyone is putting on some kind of silicone rubber now.

    I personally don't mind. alcantara is a luxury that must be maintained and looks disgusting if you drive without gloves, but it wears out even with gloves.

    real leather also needs to be maintained but is the best option.

    silicone rubber is also used on F1 steering wheels.

    and when you drive with gloves, it doesn't matter to you anyway.

  • but i´m still confused because the wheel costs only 350 and looks better than other simagic wheels for 550. alpha mini + GT Neo is than a better option than moza r9 Bundle with that 300 euro moza gt wheel

  • yes, that's the same thing I'm interested in. I'm waiting for the reviews for Neo to come out so we can try to see what it's all about.

    but that mini + neo combination is a top combo

  • edited January 2024

    For a dude that was done with fansrec every day for the last 2 weeks you use this forum more than any other person.

    i swear you’re in every thread i read 🤣

  • well more confusing is that thrustmaster is able too with same price the full colored display steering wheels,

    it shows clearly that other companies are toning huge overpricing

  • They are small manufactors so it´s clear that they can not beat TM or Fanatec with lower prices. The built quality of the Thrustmaster F1 wheel is not very high. They use a lot of plastic which can fail over the years

  • The Formula v2.5x steering wheel is also almost completely made of plastic. The plastic is coated with a soft-touch film. These films generally have a tendency to deteriorate and become sticky in the heat. I hope it lasts over time, but I'm pessimistic.

    I've had it for a month and almost never use it, but it's already degraded near the handle.

  • I just checked my account and on the 28th of December I already got the reimbursement which is nice.

    Once they offer something like this (that's totally up to them and not to Sony, for example) I don't see why they would not give it.

    In the email it stated the following:

    "2) Cancel your order:

    - If you prefer to cancel your order, we will offer you a voucher for 25% off any combination of products in your next order.

    - This non-transferrable voucher would be valid until April 30, 2024, is valid for one (1) new order, and activated for the account with which you placed order"

    Meaning you will be able to place anything into your basket and the voucher will apply.

    Considering they worked at limited capacity between the holidays and last week I'd think within a couple weeks we get it. it's valid for the first 4 months of the year lol

  • man wrote nicely "Lets wait and see. Anything can happen here."

    by the fact that they have not yet sent the promised 25% voucher to people, it makes people doubt the truth of their promise.

    even worse if they returned the money to people, but did not send an email to inform them and give them the promised 25% voucher.

    and whether it will be possible to spend that 25% and whether anyone wants it at all, that is another matter.

    just someone explain to me why it is so difficult to create a 25% coupon option on the webshop page and send people that coupon/voucher on email?

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