Club sport broken-down

Hello, I bought the CS dd in November 2023, it. worked well for 10 days, and I have lost connections in games, I returned after-sales service, 3 weeks later I received my dd repaired, everything works well for 5 days w and the breakdown is new income, I made another after-sales service request. but I don't want any changes or repairs, I want to return my products and be refunded, but no news for 1 week. I paid by PayPal, can I get my money back if I make a claim on PayPal?


  • what a debacle this company is

  • My CSL DD is burned too.

    Refunded by Paypal, I'm sure no.

    We are many in the same case in this forum. What do you think about to create a task force in the goal that Fanatec offers a real sustainable solution. Why not the choice of a full refund, or a reduction on more high-end and proven equipment?

  • edited January 2024

    Again one more, after my 2th CSL DD burned i'm asking me if a total refund of my order and i send back all isn't the best after all too.

  • edited January 2024

    Their products aren't enough tested before to be sent and break like glass.

  • I don't agree with the arguments that say we put too much FFB.

    I had a Logitech G920 before.

    I have the CSL DD 5nm and I have barely more FFB than with the Logitech.

    If that's too much, then Fanatec is a brand for kids!

  • Yes it should have security then if you can't use more than this. The problem is when it shut down it's already too late. In electronics most have a security TV, Smartphone, ect... but not this brand. To me it's a faulty conception and you can't blame user for it. This model of DD should have fans by default that's all. I'm not believing they let sell products in this condition that's crazy.

  • It is not so. It is a defect of some specimens. Manufacturing defects exist, every company sells a small percentage of defective products.

    If customer service had responded to you, as the customer service of every company on the planet does, today we wouldn't even know that some examples of DD are defective, because you wouldn't have written here.

    People write here because customer service is unresponsive, and customers reading this forum think every product is defective.

    And as if that wasn't enough they are bullied by Troll fans of Fanatec who try in every way to blame the customers themselves if the Fanatec product is broken.

    Ignore these people.

  • Of course i don't care about trolls ^^ I'm just waiting return of Fanatec about my case for 2th time, already 4 days since my ticket and nothing. After that what they will do ? That's the question.

  • and this is how the FanaSCAM trolls sound, who defend them at all costs, without arguments.

    and the fact that two of your bases in a row immediately broke, that's a little thing according to them.

  • edited January 2024

    Yes surely little thing to them but big problem to me and to many too.

    Some alternatives are possible then

    A refund about defective DD

    A reduction on more high-end and proven equipment more the money saved from DD initial buy.

    Back total of the order to Fanatec and total refund.

    What is the best to everyone? I don't know.

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