Can someone who works at fanatec help?

I've been waiting for my order since Black Friday, my order icluded the v2.5x.

I received the email and decided to wait.

The email mentioned January and March as possible shipping date, can you guys please give us an update?

Also I have a curiosity, the wheel returned available in USA and AUS, why you didn't send the stock to Europe where people like me (I'm in Italy) have been waiting for months?

Is it possible to you to "transfer" your stock to other regions?

Thanks in advance for the answer

Best regards



  • Thats the problem mate, no one actually works at Fanatec anymore. It is a shinking ship at the moment and everyone has abandoned it. Caption was the first to run away.

  • They're not shipping anything in Australia. I have had everything in stock ready to ship since December 18 but my order hasn't even finishing processing yet.

  • Ion CirciuIon Circiu Member
    edited January 16

    I encourage you to open an European small claims procedure. Don't see them reacting to anything else then legal actions.

    Of course, they can use US stock to fulfill the orders, they just don't want to, it would lead to some shipping cost. Paying for / repairing their mistake is not part of fanatec values. Nor is the customer. They could also replace, for plenty of those who prefer, the wheel with the 2.5, it's just to much of a hassle.

    Basically, a few hundreds/thousands customers waiting 4 months or more for their already paid product, worths less then a few clicks to adjust those orders.

    You risk waiting for end of March to get some more bad news.

    I doubt they'll ever fulfill those orders, they're just trying to push people to cancel. Cherry picking the BF orders they want to fulfill. They decided it was a bad offer for them, now trying to get rid of those orders.

    Study case: take all the money they hold for these orders and use that to short them on the market, would that yield more then a shipping cost from US to EU?

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