a strange situation that no one has solved for me

I placed an order on January 2 that is still appearing in process and in theory everything was in stock.

days later I placed an order on January 12 and strangely I already have it in my office

I don't understand why ? I have already sent 15 emails and messages from the page and no one answers me what is happening with that order.

the order is 1889811

I've been buying from Fanatec for years and never had any problems. They always answered the messagesI don't know what's going on with the customer service team, the service is terrible.


  • Marcel JeskeMarcel Jeske Member
    edited January 26

    You mentioned one of the biggest problems yourself:

    sending multiple emails for the exact same issue is slowing down customer service response time.

    It‘s even mentioned on the customer service ticket page:

    Please don‘t send multiple tickets. Because lots of people did there‘s an average time of Processing your request of about 2 weeks - which I guess is drastically optimistic. Some people get responses for tickets written in October

  • What you say is right, but Fanatec sells its products to ordinary people, not to professionals.

    It is normal for a person to flood customer service with requests if they do not receive a response in a reasonable time. Maybe they should only sell their products to retail companies if they don't know how to deal with people.

  • Como no vas a reclamar si se quedan tu dinero y cuando les escribes no te responden ni te informan de nada , no hay ninguna excusa para tratar a sus clientes de esta manera tan nefasta. ni queriendo puedes confiar en una empresa asi ,estaba pensando en volver a comprar todo el kit para comenzar en este mundillo pero me quitan todas las ganas , no entiendo que una inversión de 2000 euros te pueda representar tantos problemas . No quiero pensar como me ira si tengo algún problema con el material que compre con la nula atención que he recibido

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