Different Firmware Version displayed on Wheel than in FanatecSoftware

anybody has the issue, that theres a different Firmware version displayed on the wheel (its showing 33) and in the software (40)?
I cant update the firmware with the software and i think thats the problem.
Any ideas?
When the firmware is newer on your wheel and or base you cant upgrade from driver. Only downgrade
What driver you had and what wheel
i have the 451 driver, this shows me Firmware 40 of the Mclaren GT3 V2 Wheel. The wheel it selfs shows Firmware version 33. Its completly wierd. I tried to install an older Driver, but it did not work.
i use v451 and my McLaren GT3 V2 have firmware number 46, this is the right FW included in this driver. you should uninstall driver v451 and reinstall it again.
or uninstall your current driver and download this one and then upgrade firmware to 46
Or, if your product works well, do nothing, and enjoy it.
If you are too unscrupulous with firmwares you could turn your wheelbase into a brick. And customer service responds in 3 weeks.
upgrade the wheel firmware has nothing to do with wheelbase fw. but in generell you must know what to do and read the instructions, because if you run other apps or some anti virus software i can come to complications. so if you unsure search for tutorials on yt or leave if you not need improvements of the FW updates.
I found the solution: The QR1 Base side was completly fucked up. The usb C Port was damaged (it was bend).
I noticed it, when my QR2 arrived. now everything works fine. I contaced Fanatec as well. We will se what happens.