AC recommended settings leaving a lot to be desired.

Is it just me, or are the recommended settings for AC and ACC hot garbage? Or is that how it's supposed to feel? I've tried the recommended settings for both games and there is almost no feedback or resistance while racing. I kinda thought for the money there would be at least a little force in the feedback, and a little more feedback. Just as a for instance, at recommended settings, there is more resistance in the wheel while the game is loading than there is while driving. I'm kind of at a loss here, because I don't know anybody local to compare with. Any help would be appreciated.
Are you getting the settings from the Forum? Or from Fanalabs?
Fanalabs has some updated profiles, while the forum's go unattended and rarely get updated. If you use the forum. Scroll down to see what Users recommend after Game Updates.
Generally, Fanalabs recommended is a good place to start. When I first started messing with settings, i read a lot of user suggestions, and watched a lot of Youtube videos. Learning what does what and what you prefer makes it easier to get a baseline from Fanalabs or wherever then adjust to your preference.
if you have a csl dd base you must ffb set between 85 and 95 in ACC depends on the car. 100 would force the base into clipping
there are settings for every base and platform. maybe u used settings from a dd2 to a weaker base??
on AC you must find the best ffb for every car. in genereall AC have a strong and detailed FFB.