Does anyone know if these wheels fit

I'm looking to buy the Podium Endurance Button Module . I like the Porsche wheels but I'm looking at either the Momo Mod 78 or the Mod 88.
I'm wondering Momo wheels mentioned fit like the Porsche wheels. Meaning none of the buttons blocked by the spokes of the wheel.
Other question to throw out there is: The actual real wheel that the fanatec porsche replica wheel based on, what wheel is that?
I have Momo Teams 300mm and Momo Race 320 and they fit great. Watch the BMR cable on the 300 though. Might want to add washers.
You're just looking for a 6x70mm bolt pattern.
The wheels I have are not perfectly circular btw. The top is slightly elongated. It's actually nice cuz it's not a D shape, but you can tell where the wheel is without looking.
Also I recommend you get a wheel with a dish of 39mm just like the rally wheel from Monte Carlo. Because the BMR sticks out too much if you don't. You can go deeper if you want. But I put the BMR on a flat rim and i did not like it.
There is a sizing template on the Podium button module Endurance product page downloads. Print it out full-size then find a image of the wheel you want, also print it out full-size and cut out the spokes to see if the Endurance buttons don't get covered up.
I priced the genuine Porsche 911 wheel and it was over $1,000 so I bought a leather AND alcantara Fanatec replica. They are very nice.
Do you have photos of the Race 320 mounted to the PBME? This wheel looks nice and would look good on my set up.
I have the print out of the PBME but having a hard time finding a print of wheel. Possibly does not exist or need better my search.
Almost? I'm waiting for Podium Hub to get back in stock. The plan is to run Race without Paddles for that style of car, and I think I may swap the Teams wheel for a Leather Cube Controls GT rim if I can ever find one locally.
The Teams wheel is a lil tight on the thumbs btw. This one has plenty of clearance.
Found these...
Mod 78
Mod 88
You will have to size these up to the actual diameter. Print. Then cut out between the spokes. Lay it on top of the PBME template and it should let you know if there is any button interference.
oh and of course i misread this... Endurance... I keep forgetting about this one. :/
Personally. I would wait until Endurance Freeze reports are fixed. I would imagine it shares the same data as the new Extreme wheel. So hopefully that's coming soon.
That's OK. I'm also waiting for a Podium hub and enjoyed your pictures.
I all ready have a R330 (fully round smooth leather) that I'm putting my PBMR on that I'll rally with.
My collection of MOMO's is a Mod 30 for GT and Mod 11 for classic F1 cars.
All this talk of new MOMO wheels made me order a 350mm Indy mahogany to use with classic cars.😁