Podium Lenkrad BMW M4 GT3 Podium Lenkrad BMW M4 GT3 - QR2 Update Cable

is there an Update cable coming, for QR2 Wheel-Side?
As things stand today, I have to remove the QR2 wheelside before an update in order to connect the update cable.
is there an Update cable coming, for QR2 Wheel-Side?
As things stand today, I have to remove the QR2 wheelside before an update in order to connect the update cable.
There is no new news regarding the update cable as of today, no.
Is there any information on what QR/Update Cable is included when pre ordering know?
Preorder Date: March 4Th, DE
Should be QR2 but nobody really knows...
Thanks for the answer. I guess I’ll roll the dice then. 🤞