Fanatec Driver 456 (prev release candidate) for CSL, CS and Podium (all wheels)



  • When i upshift with the magnetic paddleshifter on the gt dd extreme wheel it randomly shifts 2 or 3 gears up with one shift, is this a known software issue or maybe hardware related?

  • Never heard of that one yet, sounds like a hardware issue of the switch.

  • toujours pas de news pour la mise a jour 457 ? azetek me tente bien...

  • Please post in English according to the forum rules.

    457 is delayed until at least next week, maybe even early April.

  • Hello.

    Could someone tell me if this new firmware solve the problem of the wheel not being detected when turning on the DD+ ?

    I currently need to turn on/off multiple times to get my wheel detected (podium Porsche)...

    thank you

  • Hello,

    after the update to 455 i have the same issues with my CSL Lenkrad P1 V2.

    First i thought it was a hardware issue all of the sudden, but right before i did the update, everthing was fine.

    When i shift up or down, it randomly shift to different gears.

  • Tony BourdoTony Bourdo Member
    edited March 2024

    Rien said,

    Thanks for your answer. Yes when I play either it’s all good all the playing session, either at some point the speedometer (OLED screen) freeze on a speed (let’s say 273) and stay this way till I turn off and back on the wheel base. On a GT DD Pro with latest public firmware, PS5, GT7.


    I have had the same issue, but it's a random occurrence and the RPM LED freezes as well.

  • Firmware 355

    Want to go back from V3 Pedal Driver 1.3.5 to 1.3.2.

    Unfortunately the downgrade doesn't work because after clicking on the 3 dots there is no file to choose from. Where can I get the old V3 driver?

    Next thing, BRF doesn't show up so I can't adjust the brake pedal correctly. How can I activate it?


  • edited March 2024

    You mix-up drivers and Firmwares...

    You would need to downgrade to a very old driver to be able to downgrade the CSP V3 Firmware (for whatever reason).

    The Tuning Menu BRF setting is only available when you connect Load Cell pedals to the Base.

  • I just went to pedal: 1.3.5 yesterday, but I notice slight delays when braking. That's why I want to go back.

    But I can't manage it.

    BRF appeared yesterday while trying things out. But not now. strange....

    V3 are load cells, right?

  • but no brf

  • How are the pedals connected? USB to PC or RJ12 to base?

  • I tried both

  • I hope not both at the same time as that could give a short to the PCBA of the pedals....

    As said, BRF is available in the Tuning Menu when the pedals are connected via RJ12 to the Base. If not, then something else on your side is fundamentally broken or the pedal PCBA already half-bricked.

  • It was never simultaneous. I know the problem.

    I'll keep trying.

    Do you please have a mini guide on how I can get back to the old V3 driver?

  • Uninstall current driver, download a veeeeeeeery old driver, install that old driver, restart PC, open driver, open Firmware Manager through driver, check manual update, click manual pedal firmware update, click flash, done.

  • Thanks for your help. You really are always there when someone needs help!

    It worked so far. I still have to do a test drive.

    Basically, I am dissatisfied with Fanatec software.

    Something always goes wrong.

  • Buenas,

    Tengo una base dd pro y esta mañana no hay manera de que la play la reconozca, tengo el driv, 456 a alguien mas le pasa ?¿ Me recomiendan alguna solución? es de locos, me llego ayer, ayer funcionó,,, esta mañana me salio una actualizacion , y desde entonces nada.

    Gracias de antemano

  • Please post in English according to the forum rules!

    Never heard of this. Make sure it's in the correct mode. Try different USB ports as well.

  •  Sorry, I didn't know anything about the language, Well yes, I think I have tried all the simple ways, uninstall , install, turn off, change cables, USB ports, but nothing has worked for me.

  • Then you need to contact the support.

  • Where do I find the serial number of the base?

  • Underside of the base (CSL, GT and CS DD) or under the top plate (P DD).

  • thanks


  • It is not possible to add the serial number, it is not supported, but what is this?

  • I had the same problem, I have to create a new product with the right base number. 

  • Pranav NarangPranav Narang Member
    edited March 2024

    Hi, does anyone know how to fix "No steering wheel attached to base" message?

    My wheel (Clubsport Universal Hub V2 for Xbox) was being identified by the Fanatec Control Panel with no issues but after I updated my wheelbase (Clubsport DD+) and WQR the steering wheel was no longer detected.

    Steps I followed:

    1. Plugged in wheelbase with steering wheel attached to PC (all my devices were detected successfully at this point)
    2. Click on Update Firmware in Fanatec Control Panel
    3. DD+ Updated Successfully
    4. WQR Update asked to remove steering wheel
    5. Removed steering wheel
    6. Updated WQR successfully
    7. Attached Universal Hub V2 for Xbox steering wheel
    8. Fanatac Control Panel no longer detects the steering wheel

    I have tried:

    1. Restarted the wheelbase
    2. Restarted my PC
    3. Re-installed 456 and restarted PC/Wheelbase
    4. Checked the wheelbase is completely attached to the steering wheel
    5. Tried starting the control panel with just the wheelbase and plugging in the steering wheel after
    6. Tried starting the control panel with the steering wheel already plugged into the wheelbase
    7. Check that there are no bent pins
    8. Unplugged all USB devices from my PC except the Wheelbase
    9. Tried all USB ports on my PC

    Whenever I plug in the steering wheel to my DD+ the display no longer shows anything (it used to show a few numbers on startup like X.Y.Z). I can no longer use the steering wheel at all since it does not appear to turn on.

    The control panel suggests using the steering wheel firmware recovery via the Firmware Manager, but whenever I check 'Manual Firmware Update/Device Recovery' the option for the steering wheel is disabled.

    Fanatec Control Panel Screenshot:

    Fanatec Firmware Manager Screenshot is included in the link above as well

  • DD Extreme with fw 4.55 (posting here since the 4.55 thread is closed). Not sure if this problem has been mentioned before (the search suggest no):

    A really annoying thing is that randomly the handbrake activates for no apparent reason in GT7. This is really frustrating during a race which cause the car to spin. This makes the wheel virtually unusable for any serious sim racer.

    It doesn't matter which mode the clutch paddles are configured for, thus I suspect a firmware glitch.

  • any plans to add 360Hz like simucube did on iracing with next drivers?

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