Received 2 QR1s and not the Wheel I ordered.
I received the shipment 2 of 2 items, both are just the QR1. I ordered a BMW GT2 replica wheel with the included QR1 feb 12, on the 21st i checked the FedEx track by ref and found it out for delivery. That was all that was shipped for my order and would seem it is "complete" on their end. I sent a message and tried to contact with email / phone.... last week when it first arrived incorrectly. I have literally not received anything i've paid for, and now i cannot get in contact with anyone.
I've been lucky in the past and have CSL DD/ F1 wheel and full set up i've enjoyed and had no issue with. First time getting my shipment from TX.
Please help to get my wheel delivered!
Thats really fucked up. At least it explains why all QR1 are out of stock :p I am still waiting for my BF Order.
Keep my fingers crossed that fanatec cleans up their shit asap and you get your support we all deserve!
LOL really apparently they are just listed as "bmw gt2 wheel" at the warehouse! I was lucky with my BF getting to me in about 3 weeks, I used all the luck for that order i guess...
i think i'll do the charge back, and have that process started end of today. I'm not going to just hang on for weeks to maybe get a reply.