Forza Motorsport menu vibration problems with the "Wheel damping scale" option at 1 or more

Good morning
Day 26 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Xbox Steering Wheel Tremors in Forza Motorsport.
On Xbox Series X with that option that is seen in the video of something related to "Wheel damping scale" only with a value of 1 or higher it begins to vibrate as if something were going to appear below the ground :) more The higher the number, the more exaggerated the vibration.
It doesn't happen on PC, I tried it with all the default settings.
Is this a known issue?
Base: Clubsport DD+
Steering Wheel: Formula V2.5X
Driver: 454
Base Firmware: I don't know, I haven't updated it
WQR Firmware: I don't know
Fanalab: I don't know, I have to look at it.
For now I only encountered this problem in Forza Motorsport with the recently arrived base and connected to the Xbox Series X, without updating anything.
I tested on Xbox Series X:
Dirt Rally 2.0 - OK
F1 23 - OK
Dirt 5 - OK
On PC:
Assetto Corsa - OK
Forza Motorsport - OK
I have not dared to update the Firmware yet, in case I am going to suffer disconnections, first I would like to test all the games more for a few days, to see the differences I experience the day I update it.
By the way, the day I update the firmware, how do you recommend I do it?
Do I update the firmware first and then the driver? or first the driver and then the firmware? or is it indifferent?
If I update to version 456, can I go back to a previous version later? for example 454? Can I download them from somewhere?
With the firmware can I also go back to a previous version?
If I set that "Wheel damping scale" option to 0, it is playable but the steering wheel has no force compared to having it at 1. When turning as seen at the beginning of the video, when going from side to side the steering wheel you notice a small tap when changing the steering wheel from side to side, making like a click, the problem is that with this configuration the game is unplayable and you lose the car easily because you don't have as much control over it, or it's like trying to learn to play with that sensitivity If I can choose, I prefer to play with that option activated because that's when you notice that you have a DD+ in your hands, otherwise it seems like you have a toy as a steering wheel.
In the race being at 1 you can see that it works well, the problem is only in the menus.
Thank you so much
All the best
Day 27 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Good morning
Yesterday I was testing Forza Motorsports with the default configuration of the steering wheel and removing the wheels option that makes the steering wheel vibrate in the menus, in the all default option the feeling of the steering wheel is perfect, much better than on PC with the configuration by default, but light years, if you ask me if I prefer to play with my Clubsport DD+ on PC or Xbox, without a doubt on Xbox the force feels very good, the only problem is that if you set that wheel option to 0, you lose a lot of strength, in sensations the order of priority in terms of better control is:
1 - Xbox series wheel option 1 or more (with the steering wheel vibration bug, what I do is turn off the wheel until the race starts or I change the option right at the start of the race, for online races it is not viable)
2 - PC with the wheel option at 100 by default, even so the wheels do not feel good grip on the asphalt, with each turn it seems that the car is skidding, in the video that I show you you will see that it is going away the car several times)
3 - Xbox series with the wheels option at 0 (the control is like playing without force practically, and you just go from setting the wheels option from 1 to 0, a little strange...)
Either it is a driver or game problem, but it is a problem that must have a solution, because the vibration in the menus is only with the Xbox with the default configuration.
Could someone try Forza Motorsport with Clubsport DD+ on an Xbox series and the default configuration to see if the same thing happens?
I put a video of the comparison of 2 races with option 1 and option 0.
The first race is the option 1, in which he came sixth with the difficulty at 5 and the second race with the option 0 he came 9, sliding the car continuously without being able to choose where to put the car to overtake etc., in this last option I'm 2 seconds slower per lap.
At the beginning of the video I do the first lap without force, option 0, and the second lap I do with force with option 1, then I do the races first with force and then without
In the movement of the steering wheel between 2 o'clock, you can clearly see that with force I am softer with the steering wheel.
By the way, without updating the firmware (I have the drivers and firmware from November 454) I had it on for 6 hours straight using it at full capacity and it didn't disconnect or do anything strange, the only complaint I have is with Forza Motorsport and the menus.
In F1 23 I did 2 hours in a row of races that were spectacular, the control is brutal in F1 23, the feeling of F1 on Xbox and PC is the same, I didn't notice any differences between the 2 platforms.
In F1 23 I tried going full throttle, stepping on the line on the right or left, rubbing against the grass and the walls, and it is spectacular how I manage to follow the line continuously. In that sense, I am very happy because I can invent overtaking in the races of the high control I have of the car now.
I leave you a sample of what I say about F1 23 in this fragment that I attach
Thank you so much
I have encountered this same vibration problem in Need for Speed Payback:
Exactly the same thing happens, it starts to vibrate like crazy, firmware 457 comes out next week and I hope it solves the problem and the previous ones for 455 and 456, the Which I decided not to do to avoid those other problems, in the factory version for the time that I have been using it, the only problem I had is the one mentioned.
Good morning
Yesterday I updated the ClubSport DD+ base to Firmware versions 455 and tested Forza Motorsport and it no longer makes the exaggerated vibrations, it doesn't make any strange vibrations in the menus, in the race the sensation seems a little softer than the factory one, which It was quite hard, it seems that something has been lowered there, maybe I notice it softer, but happy with the change without having to switch between profiles with and without force, all this on Xbox, on PC it already felt softer before, and now if not the same, a little more similar to the sensations with Xbox, but I still like the sensation on Xbox more today.
I also tested the F1 23 on PC which had problems with the factory version and with the 455 it has the same problems, the default profile of the base tested in Bahrain for example, before the penultimate corner when you are doing one of the corners bottom changing from gear 6 to 7 in this same gear, while you make that turn, the base hits like the inexplicable ones in the last curves of Dubai and the F1 steering wheel LEDS stop and the force does not disappear but it happens as if 50% to 5-10% and the LEDS blocked, if you restart the base, when you reach the same curve again the same, with the factory FW, at the end of the Bahrain straight when you should start braking it already lost power much more exaggerated. The only SOLUTION to be able to play F1 23 on PC with the FW 455 is to leave profile 1, exactly the same as the default profile, but with the strength at 100% then lower the game to 50% or in this case to I liked it, and after going around it several times it didn't give me any errors.
I also tried Need for Speed Payback, it no longer suffers from vibrations when running the game like Forza Motorsport, so the vibration issue seems solved.
I tried Assetto Corsa on PC and it was fine too, it was already working fine with the factory one.
I was encouraged to try Dirt 2 from so many years ago and I was able to configure the steering wheel inputs, something that I couldn't with the factory one, it seems that if there was some compatibility problem in old games, I did have to lower the strength to 10% in the game having the base at 100% because with the F1 steering wheel that I had on at that time, the force was inhuman, it may have been solved, I will try some more like Dirt 3 or some other Fossil where it did not detect it like the Sega Rally from many years ago.
I have uploaded videos on my Letro82 YouTube channel, I leave them linked below in case anyone wants to see the configurations I use in each game.
I had the steering wheel on for several hours 5-6 hours without suffering any disconnection on both Xbox and PC, turning it off and on several times if necessary because it changed from one platform to the other, etc., it always started well and with complete normality.
I updated the FW 455 without any steering wheel connected, and connected the USB directly to the PC in a USB 3.0 port, it updated everything the first time without any failure (I know that some subscribers had to retry the update up to 17 times , all attempts without closing the program, restarting the base every time it gave an error and retrying every time it started, until one of these worked) I updated it with the red light on, just as the base starts by default, when The update is finished, it asks you to connect a steering wheel if you want, calibrate it and if you have something else connected, also calibrate it or do it later.
And for now this has been my experience with the update, what situation do you have the disconnections in? I mean what game, what active base profile, and with or without the Fanalab open?