3 Months later, still no power supply and no support

I don't even know what to say anymore. None of my support tickets have had any responses beyond the automated reply. My first ticket was sent at the end of december, my second in the middle of february. Radio silence ever since. I regret ever buying anything from here and I hope nobody else makes the mistake of buying anything too. Fanatec, your hardware may be great and it may be priced attractively too, but none of that matters if you sell your customers items that you never deliver, that's just stealing. Whatever, I give up.


  • Sander DSander D Member

    They delivered your wheel without a power supply?

  • Do a chargeback with your cc provider or PayPal ... Fanatec will either respond to you and sort you out, or if they don't , you'll get your money back and you can buy the power supply elsewhere

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