Universal Hub Xbox v2 with APM - top paddles do not work

I have a question using the Universal Hub Xbox v2 with APM, the top paddles do not work for me. Is this an APM problem?
and another question is whether it is possible to configure the lower switches (which work like an axis), the fact is that by assigning them to turning the head and not pressing them, the gaze goes all to the right or all to the left and to keep it in the center you have to hold the switch
Off the top of my head, I think the top paddles have a switch number of 61 & 62 so game would have to recognize those high numbers.
On a Formula v2, the center rotary knob sets the 3 modes for the lower paddles. One mode is as switches instead of axis. Can also be set in Fanalabs.
Once again, off the top of my head 🙃
I don't have X-box so maybe someone else could help.
so i have the Universal hub xbox v2 and bought the advance paddle moduel and im having the issue where the top smaller paddles don't work, they don't even get reconised in the control panel. Everything else works fine, the main pads and the lower axis pads all work fine. But i can't update the firmware on the universal hub, it just won't let me.
I have the same problem, I downloaded the latest firmware.. but even in the program he doesn’t see them
I can't even update mine😔
Still having the same issues,