GT DD Pro - How to properly secure driving wheel to base?

From time to time, when young players get excited during a race, they tend to pull the wheels toward their bodies, causing the "connector" (the silver tube) to slide out from the base and resulting in bad USB-C connection. I have to push it back in for it to work. But it will slide out again if the players not being careful.

(Please see attached photo to understand which part is coming off.)

I have tried loosening the "clamp" and tightening it again. But I can still pull the connector out without using that much force. That means the "careless" players would definitely be able to pull it out unintentionally.

Does any one have the same issue and how do you resolve that?

Thanks for your help in advance!


  • Hi Eddie, I don't have this problem but maybe you can try:

    1) take the clamp off, then apply 1 layer of electrical tape on the center shaft. Then retighten the clamp to give little more "bite" to it

    2) there are after market clamp you can buy on ebay/Etsy etc. Clamp similar to QR2 style (see pic). It may provide more robust squeeze to help secure it maybe (again, I don't have this issue, but theoretically should work better IMO),

    here's an article also in discussing suggested torque for tightening these clamps:

    Good luck!

  • Thanks for sharing the helpful info! I might have to give one of these hacks a shot after determining it isn't my fault but indeed a design flaw. 😉

    So, yours is pretty secured/tight and a player won't be able to accidentally pull it out?

  • Eddie LiuEddie Liu Member
    edited March 2024

    Sorry I attached the photo the wrong way and causing viewers to have to download the file to view it. I am re-attaching.

  • I don't have this problem, but if I did, I would use a few turns, two or three, of Teflon tape, over the base side QR1, before inserting and tightening it.

  • I would probably choose friction tape rather than electrical or Teflon tape which are both inherently slippery.

    Also the Fanatec base side QR2 adapter comes with a improved double bolt clamp just in case you want to upgrade to QR2 wheels at a later date.

  • Thanks for your responses! Is it possible that I did not tighten it correctly? Is there a particular way I must follow?

  • Tae YooTae Yoo Member
    edited March 2024

    Hi Eddie, based on CSL DD (same as DD Pro essentially) = tighten the bolt to 10NM (89 in/lb) torque. See diagram below, Blue box = 10Nm

    But as suggested by Jack or Alessandro, try putting a thin layer of tape that is not slippery to give it more bite if 10Nm is not enough.

    For me, I don't have this problem, but I don't pull the wheel when I drive. I used to when it was clamped to a desk when my seat was moving a bit. Now that I use a proper rig, seat is firm so I don't really pull the wheel as I may have in the past.

  • Thank you, Tae! And thanks for the link to the other post you provided in your first reply and the diagram above! Looks like I have been doing it correctly position wise. Now I will have to make sure I did apply 10NM torque.

    Thanks again, Alessandro and Jack, for the tape suggestions!

  • By Teflon tape I mean the one for gas applications. It is not adhesive. It fits into the threads, it is extremely thin, it allows the parts to slide, however, once placed, it creates a rubbery thickness, with a lot of grip. When applying it should be smoothed well with your fingers. If it doesn't work, it can be removed without leaving any residue. I think it's worth trying, because it costs very little.

    I currently have a few rounds of this on my QR1 base side, to eliminate flex and noise. Furthermore, a few turns on the thread of the retaining screw, always of the QR1, and it will no longer unscrew while driving.

  • Hey Alessandro, is below what you're talking about? I'd have to give it a try also for my QR1 unwanted slip. Thanks!

  • Yes, it should work, but it's just my idea, I don't have this problem, so I've never tried it.

    If that doesn't work, I know many have definitely solved it by using a two-screw clamp as others have already suggested. The clamp size should be 1 1/4 inches or 32 mm.

  • Alessandro - The Teflon tapes you suggested sound good not only for this issue, but also to prevent other "slippery" situation. I like the facts that it is thin and not adhesive!!

    Tae - Thanks for attaching the photo!

    For now, I applied extra torque (by hand since I don't have a tool to measure the NM) and now waiting for letting the young players to try again to see if they will unintentionally pull it out again. If so, I will try the Teflon tapes!

    Thank you all!

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