DD+ Is this coil whine

I have noticed a noise on the base, not sure if it is an issue and I need to RMA the unit



  • Yes, the clearest example I've heard so far. I have a couple of Nvidia Titans that sound similar but a much higher pitch when pushed.

    If it doesn't bother you, it's harmless but can get louder as the base gets older.

  • Hello ;

    Same problem as you , I did an rma , my base is at Fanatec for almost a week and I'm waiting for his return . 

    It's a known problem and nothing but an rma will fix it. 

  • it's harmless and not broken. This happens when the vibrating coils rub against the own housing. But it can be annoying and then you should contact support for RMA. Many graphics cards also have this problem.

  • the last straw....I received the famous dd+ and I installed it on my cockpit and the next day a hellish noise and a roughness of the steering with a very unpleasant feeling...I am a customer of Fanatec for years but it's too much, launching a product with such a big defect is unforgivable, the lack of respect for the customer at this level and making people believe that everything is fine...I opened a ticket repair the next day but obviously no news...and I'm stuck with a product that I have no confidence in now having to pay the full price with customs fees, I'm really angry....


  • I had the exact same noise and problem as Miksta. I opened up an RMA. It took Fanatec 14 days to reply with an RMA and a return lable. After I have sent it in, it took 10 days to get it back yesterday. The handle of the Extreme bundle packaging was missing. More worse was, that the repaired base is just dead. It does not turn on, like no power would be connected or power button is broken. Of course power supply is connected and green LED of power supply is shining. I don't know what's up with Fanatec. Testing repaired products before sending it back to customers are just basics. This overall quality and the bad customer support makes me definitly think, why I give this company my money. Just disappointed and angry right now.

  • Personally it took more than 3 weeks to receive the rma ticket today it has been 1 week since their warehouse received it. Without any email confirming receipt is not sent to me . If I ever receive the base too late or worse that it arrives with a malfunction I think create a file with the European Commission of consumers, I have already done as an entrepreneur. 

    Their method is disastrous , no communication, 1 1/2 month I paid a base of 1300 € which I could only use 2/3h great max, receipt of the email delivery numbers one week after delivery, SAV times (rma) over 30 days (European standard) …….

    Short first time at Fanatec and certainly last time or would be a miracle. 

  • Oh dear I have started the RMA process, doesn't sound like fun.....

    Glad I haven't sold my DD Pro yet

  • Courage, I'm doing it again for the second time and I'm very angry. 

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