Very high pitched squeal coming through speakers when pressing pedals (V3)

Kinda a weird problem I just created for myself. Been moving around my pedal plate on my GT1-evo and after mounting it in a new position, I’m getting this insanely high pitched sound (18khz??) coming through my new Klipsch 2.1 speaker setup any time I press the pedals. It happens mainly on the brake but the clutch and throttle do it too though it’s not a sustained sound like when I hold the brake.

Guessing it’s EMI and I’ve already used like half a pack of ferrite cores on a bunch of power/USB/audio cables on my rig with no improvement. Also tried moving where my DD1 is plugged into power. Anyone else ever encounter this?


  • Allan LehtlaAllan Lehtla Member
    edited March 2024

    in fact they devise is running at 16 khz.

    you may need mount your base that it not connect directly to some metal or you need use ground for your rig

    im assuming what happens right now is that your rig acts as broadcast antenna and that info you hear from your speakers

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