Fanatec Podium DD1 Dead after 2 years?

Good evening,

Looking for some assistance with regards to my DD1.

It had been running fine until last weekend where it randomly disconnected during a race. Restarted wheel base and everything was fine. 5 days later again it disconnected during a race but this time would not turn back on.

PSU seems to be fine have plugged this into the wall and also the surge protector. Green LED powers up.

The button on the back of the wheel base when pressed will turn the base on button illuminates bright white and wheelbase starts to do its calibration. After approx 6 seconds it shuts down and goes dead.

I can hold the button in for 10 seconds and the wheelbase is reognised through the wheelbase updater.

I have disconnected everything and removed from the rig. Tried to power up on the floor and same fault occurs.

There are no abnormal noises and no fan issues.

I have also tried to uninstall drivers and re-install 336 and 455 Drivers. But the wheelbase remains un recognised.

I have raised a ticket with Fanatec support. However i fear that it is terminal. I have had the base for 2 years 1 month so i am unsure where i stand with regards to a repair.

If there is anyone that can assist me in the short term it would be highly appreciated.


  • Bump.....

    This has been over a week now and still no response from Fanatec.

    I have a dead wheelbase that's still in warranty. Super frustrating. Can anyone shed some light on a solution.

    Or do I have to cut my losses and invest in a rival brand?

    Help very much appreciated.

  • 14 days and still no response from Fanatec ๐Ÿ˜–

  • Hi Scott, similiar situation here but the splash-screen OLED appears for the same duration prior to shutting down. Also the white power light on the rear stays illuminated and the base isn't able to be turned off without unplugging the power cable.

    I'm confident my issue relates to firmware or the PCB and connectivity. Yours looks more to be the power supply or the associated power control circuitry, although I'm no expert.

    I can appreciate your frustration with the Fanatec response time, I had the same issue. Did you receive a confirmation email once you raised the ticket? I did not originally however the sales team provided some guidance to re-raise with browser cache clear which worked. If you did receive confirmation it should state that a tech will be in touch and 2wks is around how long mine took. Throughout the subsequent troubleshooting steps reponse times could take up to a week - that is Fanatec 'working' the problem. Mine resulted in a return at own expense as even with a Warranty, unless purchased from an authorised vendor it is essentially voided. You'll expect to pay the cost of shipping. For me this was approx $60 in Aus and I was provided an address in QLD (thankfully not overseas). Once returned, approx 3-wks from me posting it, I was charged $260AUD ish for a PCB replacement and return postage, and.... it was still broken. I'm now in the same situation with 2x rims, DD1 base, V3 pedals, brake kits and a shifter and am facing selling off in parts just because their customer support is so woeful. I understand Fanatec are having organisational issues at present but they still appear no closer to improving their post-sales support.

    I'd hang tight there and re-raise the ticket if you hear nothing shortly.

  • edited May 29

    Same did now happen to me. DD2 shots down on me while in the race.

    my product is barely 2 years old.

    wondering how long it takes to get a response and help from Fanatec๐Ÿ™

    never had an issue before, so i give them credit as a head start ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • It took 6 weeks for me to get a reply. Hopefully you managed to get your issue sorted ๐Ÿ™

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